Cycle question...

big in vegas

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
My buddy was asking me this and I have never used it so I couldn't give him an answer so here I am to ask you all...

Here's his cycle

Week 1-7 Anadrol 100mg ED
Week 1-16 EQ 900mg week
Week 1-18 Test E 1250mg week

I know he's also got proviron, arimidex and hcg he's taking too. The question he asked me was whether or not it'd be a waste to throw in some Masteron at this point. He said he's got a few bottles just sitting around and didn't know if it'd be a waste to throw it in. I think he said he's 10 weeks in now so it'd probably run to week 16 along with the EQ if I had to guess. Just didn't know whether it would truly be a waste since I dont' have any experience with it...
Nows the best time to add them in, and tell him to extend the EQ, cause he will get it's true effects after 14 weeks, and 16 is when he will really be digging it. With the test extended like it is, do the same with mast and eq.
Your buddy is doing nearly 3 grams a week for the first 1/2 of the cycle. Is he sure he needs that much compound?
Your buddy is doing nearly 3 grams a week for the first 1/2 of the cycle. Is he sure he needs that much compound?
You really can't tally up the mgs of all the compounds and base it off of that,cause each compound has it own responsibility, and each or quite different.

If anything, I would lower dose in all compounds, but not drastically lower
I think mast would be a good addition to any cycle. I will use it in all of mine from here on out. 300mg a week and I don't need any AI's and my estro sides are nill. Doing that usually ends up cheaper than using proviron too, with the same bennies.
Nows the best time to add them in, and tell him to extend the EQ, cause he will get it's true effects after 14 weeks, and 16 is when he will really be digging it. With the test extended like it is, do the same with mast and eq.

How long do you think he should extend everything? At first he had the test at 12 weeks and I got him to extend that and he had EQ at 10 and I had him extend that as well. I have never personally ran EQ longer than 16, so what's your opinion on this one?
Your buddy is doing nearly 3 grams a week for the first 1/2 of the cycle. Is he sure he needs that much compound?

Yea, the doses are right for him and his experience. He's seeing amazing results, I think we really dialed in his doses on this cycle. I know it seems like a lot, but like Eat said, you can't think of things in terms of total mgs per week. Everything is balanced out and each have their own responsibilities.
How long do you think he should extend everything? At first he had the test at 12 weeks and I got him to extend that and he had EQ at 10 and I had him extend that as well. I have never personally ran EQ longer than 16, so what's your opinion on this one?
He has enough there to do a 20 weeks, just tweek the mgs and pull from here and there to get the spread, he has more then enough. Long esters I feel should be ran no less then 14-16 weeks, whats 4-5 more on that? 20 is ideal with to long esters, esp the EQ. he'll have fun, if he adds the prov and mast at the end, it will really help solidify the gains made.
He has enough there to do a 20 weeks, just tweek the mgs and pull from here and there to get the spread, he has more then enough. Long esters I feel should be ran no less then 14-16 weeks, whats 4-5 more on that? 20 is ideal with to long esters, esp the EQ. he'll have fun, if he adds the prov and mast at the end, it will really help solidify the gains made.

What kind of range would you think of for the Masteron. I know the prov is at 50mg a day, but I don't personally have experience with mast
Hey brotha,
like 600-800 is ideal for most users, and is more then enough. 600 makes me smile.

I think he has mast prop, so have the dose on that?? Or what about 100-150mg EOD?

Also, do you think if he runs the Test to 20 weeks he should run the EQ the same or stop a couple weeks before? And should the mast be run to the same length as the EQ?
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I think he has mast prop, so have the dose on that?? Or what about 100-150mg EOD?

Also, do you think if he runs the Test to 20 weeks he should run the EQ the same or stop a couple weeks before? And should the mast be run to the same length as the EQ?
For the test and EQ keep both the same duration, run both 20, if he has the Mast he can save it for another cycle, really no need to run it, but if he does only 100mgs EOD would be more then enough. He should run it with the rest of the cycle too, no need for longer the 8 weeks tho. It would most deff help solidify gains at the end of this cycle, esp when receptors are not responding as well. Would be a great end and addition to a lean/solid summer cycle for sure!
Thanks man, I'm kinda anxious to see his results with it, I've never used it, but this might give me a better idea of what to expect if I do decide to ever use it
Thanks man, I'm kinda anxious to see his results with it, I've never used it, but this might give me a better idea of what to expect if I do decide to ever use it
Exactly, my buddies or I are the best lab rats, seeing is believing know what I mean? Esp when there is no Biased feed back:thumbsup:
Exactly, my buddies or I are the best lab rats, seeing is believing know what I mean? Esp when there is no Biased feed back:thumbsup:

Yea, training with someone and seeing their results are the best. You can listen to this guy or that guy on here, but when you see the results with your own eyes, it makes me a believer
Yea, training with someone and seeing their results are the best. You can listen to this guy or that guy on here, but when you see the results with your own eyes, it makes me a believer
exactly. Forum feed back is one thing, what I see and know personally is an other!