cycle research questions


New member
I'm 42, weigh 205 and stand 5'11. I'm looking to cut weight back to around 190. Mass building not important to me. I have been reading and researching cycles for my endurance needs. My diet is (like cave man diet), I eat alot of grilled chicken, sweetpotato, brown rice, fish, green leafy vegs.ect.... I ride dirt bikes also ride mountain bikes and lift weights. Back in the day (20 years ago) all I used was test cyp and D-bol. Here is some things I have been researching. Test-E, Boldenone undec, oxandrolone, stanozolol. Note; scared the latter will dry out my already torn and old joints. I'm hoping that a mixture of Test and one other would do the trick. Ending of course with HCG or clo. or something. I trust the info from the mods here and advice will be appreciated. :thumbsup:
Well for overall health benifits I would just do a simple cycle of test E or C at 200mg a week, maybe add in Deca or EQ (for joints) at 200mg per week...And then a good dose of HGH at maybe 2 iu's a day...

probably need more info from ya, like goals and what not, are you competive in racing bikes, ect, ect...
If you're looking to cut back, then hypothetically speaking I would run test E or C 200-300mg/week as Chris250 said and perhaps 150mg/week of tren ace (that's 50mg three times a week). If you need joint help, then throw in the 200mg/week of deca or eq. I would also run HCG shortly after beginning the cycle, not just at the end, 250-500iu every two to three days. This kind of protocol for HCG was suggested by an endocrinologist on another board. His theory was, "Why not keep the horse in the barn instead of having to run after it to get it back?" (If that makes sense.) You'll also want some nolva to block estrogen receptors and/or arimidex/femara to stop estrogen conversion if you're prone to gyno.
Chris 250 and Saudades; thanks for the info. Test-e @200/wk and EQ @ 200/wk sounds good to me. About the Tren ace, I had read that it can cause prostaglandin induced bronchial constriction. I'm not sure what that is and would it be a factor? Chris to answer your question, I do consider myself competive racing dirt bikes, I have won 2nd place at the end of year in my skill class two different years , but I am no means a pro. I have been off for little over a year but still bike and pump to stay fit. I plan on training hard for next year.
prostaglandin induced bronchial constriction

That means you can become short of breath. That's not a common side effect though I believe. I don't think I've ever had that.
75mg. prop / 75mg. tren..........eod

As for endurance thats up to you and cardio but the above suggestion is pretty safe to run for an very extended period of time. May or may not be permanent sterility issues however running tren for a long time, who knows.