Cycling Protein Intake

The Dude

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Ive inadvertently stumbled into this during my last couple months. Just based on lean protein intake I'm barely at 200g a day on non training days. I'm at around 300g on training days. I'm staying in the middle 250's so like 5 days a week I'm under the 1g per lb of bodyweight recommendation. I don't think I've noticed anything negative. Although my diet is a little more sloppy. Anyone have experiences or thoughts on this? What do you guys REALISTICLY take in per day. I know Presser is at like 75g a day Lol!
All this high protein is bullshit by the supplement companies. Yes you need protein to grow but it's not as much as what people think. 150-200g a day is enough for anyone to grow providing they are consuming high enough calories from fats and carbs. You can grow on less, I have ate under 100g myself and made gains.. Now the reason why we would eat higher protein is to use protein for ENERGY and what this means is if we use more protein and less carbs then we get less overspill/bloat because changing protein into amino and then into glycogen is a taxing process that trickles energy as well as consuming energy in the process..It doesn't dump lots of "fuel" inot the muscles and under the skin (overspill) in one go like a large carby meal can. This is great when trying to lean bulk if you got your diet down to the T and is great for cutting. Higher protein is useful yes, but this 2gr per pound shit to grow muscle is nonsense and used to get you to buy more supplements. I would tell anyone to start around 120g regardless of size and adjust with their fats and carbs until they achieve the look they are after. Real growth comes from excess energy, carbs are resposible for this.
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I only eat around 120g most days. I've been meaning to get up to the 200g per day mark and lower the carbs a bit, but carbs are too good to cut. lol.
I've noticed I don't need near what I've thought, but that doesn't count when I inadvertently cook a good steak like tonight! I got a 2lb sirloin on sale and I accidently ate the whole thing! I'm at like 350 grams already today including my post workout shake!
depends on your size and activity level dude. I really recommend no more than 1.5g per lb per day. At that level you have to be super active, or cutting for a show or something. Protein cycling has many benefits, just as carb cycling. Also remember, you dont have to feed as much on off days because your activity level is lower. if you are trying to grow, then protein and carb increased intake is important. if cutting then up the protein, drop the carbs...theres no ideal number, thats for sure.

ive been trying presser and chris250 recommendations on 2 or 3 big protein meals per day and its doesnt work for me. All it did was make me bloated and too full. I eat all day long, stay leaner and fuller and experience better workouts. You constantly have to re-examine what works best for you.
depends on your size and activity level dude. I really recommend no more than 1.5g per lb per day. At that level you have to be super active, or cutting for a show or something. Protein cycling has many benefits, just as carb cycling. Also remember, you dont have to feed as much on off days because your activity level is lower. if you are trying to grow, then protein and carb increased intake is important. if cutting then up the protein, drop the carbs...theres no ideal number, thats for sure.

ive been trying presser and chris250 recommendations on 2 or 3 big protein meals per day and its doesnt work for me. All it did was make me bloated and too full. I eat all day long, stay leaner and fuller and experience better workouts. You constantly have to re-examine what works best for you.

Well said brutha! And yes for anyone out there wondering, I honest to GOD only eat one solid meal a day and a couple protien shakes here and there, No idea why I cant eat but my stomach cant take it, ive tried stretching my stomach, force feeding to get use to it, i just aint a good eater like a lot of guys are, and I grow just fine!

My personal opinion is it comes down to timing of food intake over quantity, for me anyhow!

However if I were asked to train someone and write their diet, I would have them eating Often, So i would NOT suggest to others how I eat as I do believe eating every 2-3 hours is quite beneficial to maintain energy and weight control! Im just a weirdo and use to be embaressed to admit how little i ate when i would be talking to the guys at the gym,lol

Anyways good post MIKE!
Thanks, and like you its from MY personal experience. When i trained chris250 2 years ago, i had him eating 8-10 times per day and he leaned out so fast it was almost detrimental. For this next show, we are in no way going to do that. He was about 300gr of protein per day, 100gr of carbs pre and post workout only, and the rest coconut oil and other high-quality fats...for him the small but frequent feedings were effective at stripping fat. However, now he is eating bigger meals i believe and wrapping up his bulk. says he has a hard time constantly eating, so maybe presser's way is working, because he sure has grown!