Cyto Burn and Aqua Burn protocol...

I'm on week 5 of a cyto/aqua run. I ramped aqua starting at 20mcg on day1, then 40 mcg day 2 ect..increasing 20 mcg/day until I reached 120 mcg. I've been doing 2 on 2 off and let me tell you when you come back on at 120 mcg, you know it!! I felt like I was on crack for the first few days! It is working great I'm leaning out Nice.
Today is day one for both the wife and I, and I have yet to feel anything. So I'm wondering if I should have started with a little higher dose. Also seeing if I can take a bit more today prior to lunch. I'm gonna keep the same plan for the cyto, I started at 30mcg (ramp up, ramp down) but I'm gonna up the dose on the aqua. Any thoughts?
Today is day one for both the wife and I, and I have yet to feel anything. So I'm wondering if I should have started with a little higher dose. Also seeing if I can take a bit more today prior to lunch. I'm gonna keep the same plan for the cyto, I started at 30mcg (ramp up, ramp down) but I'm gonna up the dose on the aqua. Any thoughts?

Yeah bro up til you feel it! Then stay at that dose until you feel it getting less effective.
Cool! I went with another 25 mcgs for a total of 50 mcgs today. I guess we'll see how i start feeling here in a bit. If anything like when I cycled clen then it will hit me like a ton of brick. Just waitin now :D
Cool! I went with another 25 mcgs for a total of 50 mcgs today. I guess we'll see how i start feeling here in a bit. If anything like when I cycled clen then it will hit me like a ton of brick. Just waitin now :D

Cool you should start a new thread and log it so others can learn from it
I always suggest starting low then finding where you feel it. Starting too high and wishing you'd not have done it is by far worse than starting low and working your way up.