Damn bicep will not stop twitching?


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
I have a ruptured bicep on my right arm my long head. I hit arms on friday and i dont know if maybe i tore some scar tissue and its pressing on a nerve or what, but its been twitching like every 3 minutes since then. Its not painful well it always hurts to an extent but nothing out of the ordinary, its just annoying as shit you can just sit there and watch my arm twitch. Any idea what might be causing this?
Not sure what causes it bro. That happens to me every so often and will continue to twitch for about an hour.. I usually just massage it and throw some heat on it aftewards, seems to make it feel better.
Lol, I've had that before. I'd relax in my office chair and my right biceps would start twitching. There's nothing you can do that I know of. The nerve just starts firing, and you have to let it go.
shit this is the fourth day of it now lol i was sitting in a meeting with my new boss this morning and it was just flickering away iw as waiting on her to ask me what the fuck i was doing with my arm lol.
Lol! Sorry to say, bro, I had it going on for a few weeks when mine was twitching. Maybe it's an electrolyte imbalance. I just found this on a page explaining muscle twitching:

Just what causes the twitching in the first place? "Above all, fatigue is the reason for the muscle twitching," explains Kevin Plancher, MD, a leading sports orthopaedist and sports medicine expert in the New York metropolitan area. "The muscles are most likely overworked at this point. The nerves that send impulses to the muscles become fatigued as well, which can cause erratic firing of the muscles." Long exercise sessions cause lactic acid to build up, resulting in a lack of oxygen. Dr. Plancher says, "This alters the way the muscles contract as well, possibly causing twitching."

As mentioned earlier, cramping can be brought on by stress. But it can also be caused by an electrolyte imbalance in the athlete. "In order for a muscle to contract, electrolytes play a key role," says Dr. Plancher. Cramping and twitching can result from increased amounts of sweating that follow exercise, he says. Also, cramping - or what the athlete describes as such - can simply be caused by an over-worked or over-stretched muscle.

Fasciculations shouldn't be a nuisance, once you realize that they are a normal part of muscle physiology. But there are ways to manage fasciculations, for those who don't like the sensation.

Dr. Plancher says, "Movement is a very good way to minimize the twitching. It helps the body move the excess lactic acid out of the muscles. Secondly, it allows the electrolyte levels in the muscles to normalize if they are unbalanced due to fatigue of the nervous system. Stretching the involved muscles will help as well. This relaxes the muscles. Increasing fluid intake can be key to minimizing these episodes, especially if electrolyte imbalances are the culprit." Try a banana or an all-natural electrolyte beverage.

Full link: http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/1580696/muscletwitching_causes_and_solutions.html?cat=68
damn that sucks lol thanks for the link bro ive just never had it last this long. I dont think its electrolite related but could be wrong, properly hydrated, with plenty of potassium and sodium isnt too low. Im starting to get used to it now i guess lol.
Just out of curiosity, are you currently taking clen?

Its about time you start posting again lol, not currently im on a break from it for a few more days. Ive gotten twitches from clen before but its usually not in just one area. I think im gonna start it again tomorrow actually i need some energy.
Bro, its the tear. The tissue is slowly dying and the nerves are also dying. Get that shit fixed bro!! The longer you go, the longer the recovery. Man up dude. Get it fixed!
Bro, its the tear. The tissue is slowly dying and the nerves are also dying. Get that shit fixed bro!! The longer you go, the longer the recovery. Man up dude. Get it fixed!
First thing i just cant afford the down time right now from work etc. maybe in a few months. 2nd every doctor ive talked to around here says i have a good chance of tearing it again since its torn on the tendon muscle connection point, my doc is pretty well known hes the doctor for the okc thunder. Im pretty sure yours was the same tear though, so in the near future i guess i may be flying my ass down there to meet with your doctor lol.
Ha ha, yeah that Nair guy scared me away for a bit :). Anyway, I would get muscle spasms in multiple places on clen....freaked me out for awhile until it went away after using clen and then having it come back on the second round (at least I could link it to something). Getting extremely sore and having spasms is NOT fun! I'm starting tomorrow too! I was supposed to start today but I have too much homework due tonight to even think about going to the gym. Tonight will have to just be a cardio night. So what does my husband do.... goes and gets us some blizzards! He is a fan of the Ronnie Coleman diet (seems to work for him too!), so he'll get big and I'll get fat, fantastic!:thumbsup:

Just took mine about 30 ago already feeling it. Lol at the Blizzards i think that was my fault i was talking about ice cream and then he was like I gotta go get blizzards i want ice cream now lol.
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