damn broken toe

Here's a shot of the doc pulling and twisting it around. Even with the pain killer shot, this shit hurt.

can you see the swelling from the liquid that was in that shot?


  • mbtoedocfix.jpg
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Here's the last shot... this is what my poor foot looked like after the doc was done with his sadistic torture. You can really see the swelling here.


  • mbtoepostdocfix.jpg
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I'm limping around after just looking at those photos. Looks pain full. I had an ingrown toenail a couple of times. I know how bad those shots between the toes hurt.
Ouch. You Crazy bastard bringing your cammera to the hospital.
Thanks. It is doing better but still hurts when I walk... I haven't attempted squats yet, but I do just about everything else.

That injection photo is the worst, man... that was horrible. Talk about a site injection. Next time you guys wanna try somethin painful, try site injecting 10cc of juice in between your toes. *grin*