Damn no wonder

Malic said:
No wonder why most the people in my weight training class have only put on like 5-20 lbs on their maxouts since beginning of this semester... alright ill be curling and people will be like look at that steroid taking motherfucker and be like just playing ... So I say atleast im making strength gains. So theyll be like well damn your taking in like 100g of protein a day.... ... :rolleyes: 100g of protein ... cmon now I can take 100g of protein in , in like 2.5 hrs lol of normal eating not protein shakes. I estimate im taking in around 200-250g of protein on average.

So no wonder why most them people aint growing or getting stronger they arent eating enough protein to be making any gains

that's right bro, good for you. tell them to get their heads out of their asses and eat right!
Ya... so many people dont get what you do in the gym is only part of the whole picture. You have to eat right, get plenty of sleep, and keep your partying to a minimum.
That's exactly right. If you don't get the diet down, you won't get any bigger.
There are millions and millions around the country packing into gyms with the wrong idea right now. They are F.U.B.A.R.-my buddy was eating less, dieting like a woman having salads and eating twice a day and then overtraining in the gym for like 3 hours a day. He would not listen to my advice and then he finally stopped going to the gym because he said he did not have the time and he was just not ment to get any bigger because he was not seeing any gains.
To many uneducated people are trying to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time which obviously is not possible and so many people dont understand the importnace of eating, especially some kids you age malic. They think if they lift 3 hours they'll get bigger, but all theyll eat is fries, pizza, and milkshakes.
Discussing a weight training/bodybuilding diet to someone that knows nothing about it is such a headache. Its just too much of an abstract thought for most people that you should eat 1.5-2 grams of protein per lb/bodyweight. Its funny how those are also the same people that never get results out of the gym. Malic, i wish i had ur knowledge when i was ur age, keep it up bro.
jmacey22 said:
Malic, i wish i had ur knowledge when i was ur age, keep it up bro.

I wish I had this forum to learn from... hell I wish there was such a thing as the internet... lol.
I agree with EVERYBODY here. I can't even count the times I was asked how I got big. Am I on something, how long to I train, what supps do I take blah, blah, blah???? EAT! Not just 3 meals, EAT! Not just a shake after working out...Drives me nuts. I almost get tired of saying it. But hey, not everybody is as informed and although the data is out there, many people don't know where to look (Never seen a good gainers diet in Men's Health LOL). So look at the question as a sign of respect, that people want to be where you are. I guess I'll get off my soap box now and have some eggs LOL :drooling:
You know what I find mildly amusing sometimes?

The people who are on the treadmill for 30-60 minutes busting their asses trying to shed that last little bit of fat around the midsection. What they don't realize, they need to diet down to get those abs they want, cardio can only take you so far.\

I thought that fit.
How about the guys who smoke (sorry if you do) but it makes me laugh when the light up right before or after they hit the gym...
NormalSucks said:
How about the guys who smoke (sorry if you do) but it makes me laugh when the light up right before or after they hit the gym...

and before they go out and smoke they use the phrase, "im gonna go out and get some fresh air".....ridiculous
buschris said:
oh really?

for the most part Vertigorocks statement is true, your body is in either a catabolic state or an anabolic state... sure with the help of IGF it's possible to lose a little and gain a little but you're not going to be gaining 25lbs. of muscle and losing 25lbs. of fat which I think is what the people we're talking about need to do.
buschris said:
oh really?

Really bro. Were talking to a kid in high school here who is going to relay information back to his friends in 10th grade. Like mike said, these kids are
(hopefully) not on any gear or IGF or anything that makes it possible to burn fat and still gain a little muscle. Im not talkin to some 45 year old Body builder thats been in the game longer than ive been alive here. You need to remember whose questions youre answering.