damn prop knots


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just wondering how long it usually takes for some of your prop knots to go away...

my last shot was probably about 2 months ago and there are still knots in my glute from it...the ones on my shoulders have gone away
It varys I think on how fresh the muscle is and how much scar tissue is in the muscle. Atleast that's what I thinks part of it
2 months?! That might be scar tissue bro! I would get into a massage place and also use some ultrasound. I've only used Prop from one source that is no longer around and the stuff I made. I've never gotten a knot.
Lol ten years , yeah could be a factor brutha lol. It's just with prop though?
yeah prop's the only thing that gives me knots

yeah then theirs not much u can do for it, its just the chemical and you dont mix well, and as im sure u know alot of guys have same isue with prop,
I get knots from it as well, but damn do my shoulders look HUGE :). I have never had a knot for 2 months however, most for me is a few days unless it becomes an abcess :(
probably just the scar tissue, I'm done with prop...next cycle is going to be test E and Deca

have you tryed heating it with a pin in the top of the rubber stopper? i love prop and never use anything other then that as far as test goes, so i would try to do everything first before giving up on it
this whole prop thing was from my last cycle...I'm on a cruise of test cyp right now...
I was heating the test cyp/prop and deca combo in the microwave before applying

I, also, filter everything through a whatman to double ensure sterile

bottom line is I don't like prop

test is test, so might as well stick with what works for me
this whole prop thing was from my last cycle...I'm on a cruise of test cyp right now...
I was heating the test cyp/prop and deca combo in the microwave before applying

I, also, filter everything through a whatman to double ensure sterile

bottom line is I don't like prop

test is test, so might as well stick with what works for me

what do you consider a "Cruise" lol
not really, I was told that it's better to keep the horse in the barn vs. letting it out and having to chase it back in

at 250mg/week 240lbs thats not too bad
why I see it you have pros like Ronnie Coleman that have probably never dropped below a gram/week in their 20 years of bodybuilding...

as long as the blood work is good and you are done having kids