MuscleChemistry Registered Member
The ban will and always will be in eggect because we put so muich money, emphasis and time into sports. They will always feel like Reagan did that it gives an unfair advantage and they cannot keep sports fair especially when gambling on them is a huge deal. That's why we have a pro-injury report it gives the gamblers an accurate spread. I have a senator friend I know and when I asked him he said "its obvious you may have done steroids but your not a professional sports player, so theres no concern for the average joe. However if your in sports and we don't ban it theres no level playing field and we spend millions chasing after sports, if it was full of steroid users the sport would be worthless for funding and making money on" then he said "you can blame Reagan after the Olympics when he knew the US was using steroids and winning, he banned them."
All in all if we the people want them legal we need to put it on a bill, just like the did MJ. We let our lawmakers tell us what we can and cant have legalized?
All in all if we the people want them legal we need to put it on a bill, just like the did MJ. We let our lawmakers tell us what we can and cant have legalized?