Day Trading

I've done some of that. I've thought about making a living at that... but I'm too much of a Vegas-type trader... I go for the long shots. When it works, it's a great thing. But like Vegas gambling... Mostly it doesn't.
When you say Day trading I am assuming you are talking about equities here? First of all you going to need a bucket-load of money to start with in the beginning, because realistically most of the time you will gain/lose in a day not much more than +/- 0.1-3% with stocks, then you have brokerage fees on top of that, which eats away at any small profits you may make(or increase your daily overall net loss). Day Traders tend to stick to blue chips generally, to avoid volatility(well, in hope anyhow) but more importantly blue chips are liquid, which means they can be easily bought and sold, which is most important as a day trader.
Not being cynical here but realistic, unless you are a bank or a rich mogul you will most likely lose out. Remember, banks and big traders influence the days trade not the little guys. The banks can cover their losses easily as they are covered with contracts, whether stocks go up or down. If you are Average Joe Investor and a freak shock announcement occurs, stock plummets, believe me, you will be the last person getting your SELL order sold! Banks cover their own losses first at the best price possible then retail investors(like yourself)are almost always near bottom of the days trading price range, unless of course you’re a VERY special client. Average Joe Day traders make money on a bull market and you cannot call the U.S stock market as being very "bullish". If you are basically average Joe and want to punt with your money there is the currency market(FOREX). Less bullshit behind the scenes, its cheaper, less risky, but it can be more volatile. A lot basically boils down to politics so you need to know what’s going on around the world politically to make money and just like stocks you need to know exactly when important economic indicators are released.
IMO, if you’re buying stocks think of it as an investment that means thinking of the long term. Stick to fundamentals and not scientific chart bullshit trading! There is definitely some merit with scientific indicators but it's mostly plain luck if you’re using it for day trading, honestly. Personally I would look for fundamentally strong stocks that you see as being oversold and under priced, buy and hold. Long-term options can be profitable too, if you pick them right.
Whatever you do, I wish good luck and hope it is profitable. :)
Used to do it when things where crazy.... 4 years ago...

You could almost buy anything back then and sell it for more.... infact most of us did.

I dont see the Market going anywhere for a long time.... Not a whole lot of potential for day trading when the markets are flat.
Well I am a broker. Depends on what you are looking for. We are futures and options brokers here at my work. I have some clients that day-trade and can make some good money doing it. Let me know if you have any questions, always happy to help.
