DB's DC journal

i see you doing the chest streches with 55lbs db's. I can barely hold the 15's for 45 seconds before it kills me.

i was wondering, on your heavy quad sets, is the last rep total failure? meaning, are you like taking a few seconds catching your breath between the 6 and 7th (last rep) of your squat or deadlift?

just wondering, cause thats what usually happens when Im going all out on heavy lifts like those. or do you just go until your form starts breaking down?

and on the widowmaker sets...are you going to failure at 20 or just going for a pump/burn?
dreww said:
i was wondering, on your heavy quad sets, is the last rep total failure? meaning, are you like taking a few seconds catching your breath between the 6 and 7th (last rep) of your squat or deadlift?

just wondering, cause thats what usually happens when Im going all out on heavy lifts like those. or do you just go until your form starts breaking down?

and on the widowmaker sets...are you going to failure at 20 or just going for a pump/burn?
it is to failure, if i dont have a spot, and i dont think ill get back up i wont try another rep.

widowmakers isnt a burn out set or whatever its still a heavy weight. usually i can get to 20 without stopping. if not you finish what you owe asap (i.e 14+3+3=20). but if you get to 20 and have more in you, you should keep going and up the weight next time.
I had my DOG LOG going too, his system is by far the best out there to get mass quickly, and when you think you can't get anymore.
DB006 - Dam, all those workouts on 4-26. I'm impressed. LOL Seriously. thanks
for posting - Like Mikeswift said it gets us fired up - I'll be thinking all night about
my workout tomorow.
mcgaret said:
DB006 - Dam, all those workouts on 4-26. I'm impressed. LOL Seriously. thanks
for posting - Like Mikeswift said it gets us fired up - I'll be thinking all night about
my workout tomorow.
i have superhuman recovery abilities.
freakin amazing...I can't wait to get ahold of some iron this afternoon, now if I could just get out of this chair and to the gym
pretty nice workout today. all weights went up. but the leg press is starting to not move right with all the weight i have to pile on the top of the sled. when i loose it as an exercise i will switch to front squats. and i cant put any more weight the hack which is fri. im gonna switch to one legged leg press.

anyway here are the lifts......

heammer preacher 115 x 9-3-2 rp

pinwheel curls 70 x 13

standing calf raises 145 x 9

seated leg curls 220 x 12-4-3 rp 95 pound SLDL stretch

adductors 155 x 22-8-8 rp

leg press 1320 x 7 *wm 945 x 20

machine crunch 125 x 17-7-6 rp
Great thread DB.

I noticed the order is usually:
Back Width
Back Thickness

Is that set in stone, or can that be alternated? Say A1 start with chest, A2 start with Shoulders. Maybe even hit Back in the middle and finish off with Tris?
DB006 said:
pinwheels are hammers across the front of your body.

I just started doing these recently myself and I love them.

Keep up the good work bro, it's motivating to read
PJT said:
Great thread DB.

I noticed the order is usually:
Back Width
Back Thickness

Is that set in stone, or can that be alternated? Say A1 start with chest, A2 start with Shoulders. Maybe even hit Back in the middle and finish off with Tris?

I was wondering this too....i believe that is was setup this way to maximize the time your muscles rests before getting hit again. Also, who usually does heavy deads AND squats the same day? Plus I notice the "B" workouts are mainly smaller muscles (biceps, forearms, calves) so you still have energy for a heavy leg workout at the end.
yes the order is set in stone.

and no you wouldnt squat and dead on the same day. they are 2 different days, a and b. but the same week,? yes.
I understand the splits.
"A" workouts being chest, shoulders, tris, back width and thickness.
"B" workouts being biceps, forearms, calves, hams, quads.
I agree with Teedubgee, the split makes a lot of sense.

I'm just thinking if someone's shoulders are really lagging, and their chest is very well developed (obviously I am referencing myself here), could they be swapped and do shoulders first and chest second, then continue with tris, width, and thickness.

My other thought is Deadlifts being the 5th out of 5 exercises. I would think it would be better to do them at the beginning of the workout and not the end. Maybe I'm missing something.

DB, I know you already answered the question. I don't mean to question your or Dante's knowledge, just playing devil's advocate and trying to understand the reasoning behind the set order.
PJT said:
I understand the splits.
"A" workouts being chest, shoulders, tris, back width and thickness.
"B" workouts being biceps, forearms, calves, hams, quads.
I agree with Teedubgee, the split makes a lot of sense.

I'm just thinking if someone's shoulders are really lagging, and their chest is very well developed (obviously I am referencing myself here), could they be swapped and do shoulders first and chest second, then continue with tris, width, and thickness.

My other thought is Deadlifts being the 5th out of 5 exercises. I would think it would be better to do them at the beginning of the workout and not the end. Maybe I'm missing something.

DB, I know you already answered the question. I don't mean to question your or Dante's knowledge, just playing devil's advocate and trying to understand the reasoning behind the set order.
no matter what the order youll still be using the heaviest poundage possible......progressively of course. the heaviest set of whatever your chest exercise is will hit your shoulders too.then you will do the heaviest possible shoulder exercise, and so on. key is HEAVY, controlled reps. that will build you the most mass possible.
felt pretty nice today. dips are getting heavy though. and i forgot my strap broke and i had to use these padded half strap things that i hate. kinda made my back stuff pretty trying, and my stretch sucked. went up in everything anyway.

here are the lifts.......

decline barbell 285 x 10-1-1 rp *wm 205 x 20 60db stretch

smith shoulder press 260 x 9-3-1 rp

dips bw+60 x 10-3-1 rp 50db stretch

straight bar pulldowns 255 x 10-3-2 rp (new machine)

rack deads 585 x 10 435 x 12 bw+45 stretch
havent had a bad workout in a bit. today was no different. although i might lose seated alt curls. they were pretty heavy today. but im also in between compounds, so that could be the culprit, but i would hate to use that as an excuse. im gonna do the same weight one more week to see if i can improve. but im just procrastinating the obvious. i had to drop hack squats cause i couldnt add any more weight to the machine, and i picked up one legged cybex presses. its a really comfortably moving machine, im gonna enjoy these. but i kept hacks in for my widowmaker. i know!! that was a bright idea.

anyway here are the lifts........

seated alt curls 65 x 7-2-1 rp

reverse cable curls 160 x 15

leg press calves 340 x 10

single leg curls 70 x R-15-6-5 rp L-19-7-4 rp 95 pound SLDL stretch

adductors 160 x 20-9-6 rp

one legged cybex press 450 x L-12 R-11 *wm hack squat 290 x 20

machine crunch 130 x 15-7-7 rp
PJT said:
My other thought is Deadlifts being the 5th out of 5 exercises. I would think it would be better to do them at the beginning of the workout and not the end. Maybe I'm missing something.


I always did my workouts that way. heavy compound lifts first. But I kinda like the change.

When I started with heavy compound lifts, I would be spent on pretty much all other exercises. but now, I start off with "easier" exercises and it allows me more time to get in the zone. I can do small muscle groups with less focus but I need 100% focus by the time I get to heavy lifts. if not, they just wont be decent numbers.