DB's DC journal

yesterdays lifts.....

incline smith 305 x 8-2-1 rp *wm 225 x 17-3 60db stretch

hammer shoulder press 140 ea side x 14-2-1 rp

PJR pullover 95 x 10-4-3 rp 50db stretch

hammer pulldown 215 ea side x 12-3-2 rp

deadlifts 485 x 6 345 x 10
tonights lifts........

ez curl 135 x 12-3-1 rp

hammer curls 75 x 14

leg press calves 360 x 9

sumo leg press 685 x 20

adductors 165 x 19-8-6 rp

squats 520 x 7 *wm 335 x 20
Damn, squat wm @ 335? I can't wait to be throwin that kinda weight around.
pretty tired and sluggish yesterday from work. my shoulders were really tired from doing work overhead all day yesterday. so my first 3 exercises sucked ass, and im going to try them all again next week. although my back was tired, i still moved some weight.

anyway ....the lifts...

hammer flat 135ea side x 13-2-0 rp *wm 92.5ea side x 18-2 60db stretch

db shoulder press 105 x 8-2-0

smith CGBP 255 x 7-2-1 rp 50db stretch

close-grip pulldowns 260 x 11-3-2 rp

bent over rows 355 x 11 bw+45 stretch

machine crunch 130 x 16-6-6 rp
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hammer preacher 120 x 9-2-2 rp

pinwheels 75 x 12

standing calves 150 x 9

seated leg curls 225 x 12-5-3 rp 95 pound SLDL stretch

adductors 170 x 20-9-5 rp

leg press 1330 x 7 *wm 960 x 20

machine crunch 135 x 15-6-6 rp
weights are getting heavy. im gonna have to drop dips, but ill give smith shoulder press one more shot, just cause of the numbers i put up the last a5.

anyway here are the lifts.....

decline barbell 295 x 9-2-1 rp *wm 215 x 16-3-1 60 pound db stretch

smith military press 265 x 8-2-1 rp

dips bw+65 x 7-2-0 rp 50 db stretch

straight bar pulldowns 260 x 10-3-1 rp

rack deads 600 x 8 445 x 12 bw+45 stretch

machine crunch 140 x 16-7-5 rp
DB, for someone with lagging shoulders...think it would be beneficial to add in Side Laterals on one or all of the "A" workouts?
Ahhhhh, I added them yesterday for the first time and the slow negative killed me...but I am feeling them today for sure.
Spiderman said:
yep...added them yesterday

I love that jacked squirrel!

I think I'm going to add them as well, but only to 1 of my 3 workouts. And now I'm going to stop hyjacking DB's thread lol.
i would say not to add them. remember the "a" day your shoulders are getting hammered from chest, shoulders and tri's. and even your back. think about it, every bodypart on that day hits another bodypart on that day. after you get huge, you switch to the 3 way, where you can add things to lagging bodyparts. trust me. and most importantly trust DC and his methods.
fridays lifts.....

i really dont like one legged presses, so im switching them out for smith squats or smith front squats. well see next b6. also i lost seated alt curls, tried the same weight for two weeks and no improvement.


seated alt curls 65 x 8-2-1 rp

reverse cable curls 165 x 15

leg press calves 370 x 9

standing leg curls 80 x R 15-6-6 RP L 17-5-5 RP 95 pound SLDL stretch

adductors 175 x 21-9-6 rp

one legged cybex 470 x 8 (both sides) *wm hack squat 300 x 20
mondays lifts.........

incline smith 310 x 7-2-1 rp *wm 230 x 14-4-2 60db stretch

hammer shoulder 142.5ea side x 12-2-1 rp

PJR pullovers 100 x 10-3-2 rp 50db stretch

hammer pulldown 225ea side x 11-2-1rp

deads 495 x 6 355 x 10 bw+45 stretch
i just wanted to bump this for the new DC guys to look at.

i no longer use the 2 way split anymore. i use the 3-way.

mon tues thurs fri.
bumping this for dc guys...

i will be posting my current 3 way journal, im about 5 weeks into this blast already, but i will post from the beginning until now.