Deads while standing on a board...

big in vegas

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
I started pulling deads while my feet were on boards making me have to go further down at the bottom, it was probably only 3" thick, but that 3" seemed like I was going to fall to the center of the earth. It was definitely a change which was nice, anyone else ever tried them? I don't know if that is what it feels like to be 6 feet plus trying to pull from the ground, but it was weird nonetheless
I am 6' 2" almost 3", and I have done it with a board before and it was just TOO much for me. It is already incredibly difficult for us taller guys to get all the way down and back up, let alone adding the extra length from a board. I suppose it could definitely help with muscle shaping if you went lighter than normal; and I believe this would be especially true for you shorter fellows.
I am 6' 2" almost 3", and I have done it with a board before and it was just TOO much for me. It is already incredibly difficult for us taller guys to get all the way down and back up, let alone adding the extra length from a board. I suppose it could definitely help with muscle shaping if you went lighter than normal; and I believe this would be especially true for you shorter fellows.

Amen brother.
Screw that. Even at my towering stature of 5'9, the ground is far enough away. I couldn't imagine having to go down even further. I think that extra 3" would simply bring in more quad, glutes, and hips. I don't need that stress on my knee and I damn sure don't need anymore hip or glute growth. I look like I have an alien in each ass cheek.
Screw that. Even at my towering stature of 5'9, the ground is far enough away. I couldn't imagine having to go down even further. I think that extra 3" would simply bring in more quad, glutes, and hips. I don't need that stress on my knee and I damn sure don't need anymore hip or glute growth. I look like I have an alien in each ass cheek.

That's hilarious bro
im extremely flexible because all the sports and fighting i did when i was young so it doesnt bother me too much
i always do my dead and stiff legs elevated, but if im doing back ill do them first to prevent any injuries

when i do stiif legs for hams ill still do them at the end with strict movement
I love em.. They hurt so freaking bad tho.. But my back thickness from those are hard to match on any other exercise... I have herniated disc so I dont do em that much anymore... Risk/reward not worth it... Great exercise tho...I actually read a dorian article (if he even wrote it) stating thats how he did his deads so I (like most kids) tried it and it stuck