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ok I'm to the point that I'm sick of the damn tren fucking up my acid reflux so the next time around I'll drop the dosage in half (to about 250-300mg/week)

was going to add in either deca or EQ...
which do you think would go better with test and tren?
well you can always do both. If its size you are after go with deca, but if estrogen and gyno are an issue, go with EQ.
deca crushes eq bro!!! some take both together,but depending what you are doing cycle wise(and if its long term or not)i could give you a btter opinion about the OT..

what are you running right now? is it a long cycle?
I gotta say I love EQ..increased appetite, rbc count, pumps...whereas deca kills My sexdrive & gives Me"feelings" need for them
probably gonna run 12-14 weeks depending on how I feel...

test will be 2G/week and the tren will be dropped to 250-300mg/week

no orals this time around
probably gonna run 12-14 weeks depending on how I feel...

test will be 2G/week and the tren will be dropped to 250-300mg/week

no orals this time around

thats a pretty decent ammount of run the deca first along with it (have all the appropriate ai's on hand)and run the eq next time..

why so much test e? what is your weight now and goals?do you compete,or want to?
I run 240-245lbs with about a 33 inch waist...
last cycle I ran 2.5gram/week gonna drop the last 500mg and try to run the cycle a little longer this time...14 weeks

tried both deca and eq before, all I got out of the eq was lots of veins

and over time the deca gave way to the stronger tren

running that much test and tren how much deca do you think would be good?
over the years my body chemistry has diff compounds act diff than the way they use to
I run 240-245lbs with about a 33 inch waist...
last cycle I ran 2.5gram/week gonna drop the last 500mg and try to run the cycle a little longer this time...14 weeks

tried both deca and eq before, all I got out of the eq was lots of veins

and over time the deca gave way to the stronger tren

running that much test and tren how much deca do you think would be good?

id run it @ 600 mg ew..i have went as high as 900 but didn't see a lot of diffrence..i was running 1.5 grams a week of test e tall are you btw

you can shoot me an email if ya want,we can talk
id run it @ 600 mg ew..i have went as high as 900 but didn't see a lot of diffrence..i was running 1.5 grams a week of test e tall are you btw

you can shoot me an email if ya want,we can talk

6'1 been cycling off and on for about 10 years
I'd say deca is a better overall anabolic...than EQ..but EQ has certain quaility's that deca doesnt have...With EQ you get better overall pump (IMO)..and increase vascularity...Deca I notice more overall growth...but if your doing a high amount of test, than I'd say go with whatever is cheaper...
if my hypothetical order ever hypothetically makes it to me I would hypothetically know if the hypothetical EQ is better than the hypothetical dec that ive hypothetically taken in the hypothetical past.
I wouldn't take nandrolone and tren together. you might end up with some bad progesterone sides.
I can't compare the two, but EQ didn't do much for me but veins. I've been wanting to try deca or NPP but I'm a little hesitant because all I hear about is the shut down, deca dick, etc.
I wouldn't take nandrolone and tren together. you might end up with some bad progesterone sides.
I can't compare the two, but EQ didn't do much for me but veins. I've been wanting to try deca or NPP but I'm a little hesitant because all I hear about is the shut down, deca dick, etc.

What's the story behind that avatar?

I guess I mean, is that you? If so, why black and white, the setting, the hair etc. My wife thought the individual was posing like a figure.

BTW, in case my tone is on the edgy side, I mean no disrespect. I'm just inquiring. As you probably can see, my pic is a total joke that a former mod posted based on outrageous metro-sexual habits - hence the name "NAIR."
I guess I mean, is that you? If so, why black and white, the setting, the hair etc. My wife thought the individual was posing like a figure.

BTW, in case my tone is on the edgy side, I mean no disrespect. I'm just inquiring. As you probably can see, my pic is a total joke that a former mod posted based on outrageous metro-sexual habits - hence the name "NAIR."

I've always thought that pic was a bit weird too. I think it's the fact that he appears to be posing for a camera other than the one that took this pic. I was kinda wanting to hear the "story" too.