

New member
man havent posted in awhile..anyways. i recently did a strongman competition and i had to quit after 3 events and i was doing well. i had taken ephedra about 30min before(speed stack the drink). well all of a sudden after the tire flip i felt real sick and then puked the EMS said im really dehydrated. and they made me go to the hospital. they checked my sugar level and it was 26(very low) and my blood pressure was real high. they gave me 1000ml of fluids in my body. anyways problewm is that was saturday and the doctor said take a rest for a few days and here it is thurs and i still get that sick feeling when i go to the gym adn try ot lift hard. i took some pedialyte and gatorade today. trainers told me im still dehydrated and still need time off. how much time do i need to take off? its been five days now(granted i started back to lifting on tues) any help is apprecited bros. sorry for the length but had to explain it all.thanx
Some clinical studies have found that minerals in the body can be present but not active. Even with proper hydration the body sometimes has a difficult time delivering the necessary fluids to the appropriate muscles. Depending on numerous things metabolicly, I would have some blood work done to make sure all your levels are ok. Your red blood cell count could be way to high. You may even be having problems with your insulin production. I would superhydrate. What you can do is take 1 galon container and fill it with 1/3 gatorade and the rest water. Drink 1.5 of these a day for three days. Take off from the gym during this time but try to eat clean. Stay away from simple sugars but make sure you get at least 45% of your calories from complex carbs. See how you feel after this. Also stay away from any stimulants. IF you still feel bad after this then you need to see a doc. By the way are you on any gear and if so what are you on and how long have you been on?

no gear all natural... i got the blood work done at the doctor and my white blood cell count was high which he said normally means infection..but he said more than likely its the ephedra that is probably causing that. being that i just went to the doctor to get checked out 2 months ago prior and i havent felt ill until now. they also checked levels and everything in my blood was signs of dehydration. increased creatine was the bigggest way to show the doctors i was dehydrated.
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bro ephedra will not raise your white blood cell count. Speed stack only has 25mg depending on how much you drank. Keep an eye on it and see of you can get a full spectrum blood analysis. What was the white count bro?

mine was 13.1(norm ranges are 4.5-11.0) im looking at the doctors paper right now and that what i says. o yeah i drank three bottles of speed stack in a 30 min period. and had about 2 cups of water.
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well 75mg of ephedra in a 30min time period is a diffrent story. But I don't believe it will raise your w-b cell count. You may have experienced a mild heat stroke. Did you stop sweating at all? Try the rehydration deal and rest and see what happens. What was your core body temp?
caffiene acts as a diuretic as well.....if you drank three speed stacks, I think that's like 600 or more mg of careful, bro, that's how people drop dead from an otherwise harmless supplement

Best of luck to you in future strongman comps, too
It might take some time to get back to normal. Sounds like you're getting some very good advice from Radical-p, but just as an illustration. I got dehydrated during summer football practice in high school. It took a few days (bben a while, don't remember exactly) to feel normal again. Sucked, stopped sweating, got cramps and chills and shakes real bad. Went crazy for water so I sucked the sweat out of my jersey to get some moisture. Ended up with dysentary. had me a severe case of monkey-butt LOL