Democrat or Republican?


New member
First off let me just say that it's all Theater just to keep the masses arguing amongst themselves. There is CNBC for the Liberals and Fox for the conservatives. Then the people bicker amongst themselves over the issues presented to them by the media. Now to make the people think they really have a voice in this they let you vote. Now you get to participate or so you think. You vote for you candidate, they win and nothing changes. Actually things get worse, little by little. Always worse through incrementalism. Small negative changes done over a long period of time. No matter who wins the white house the administration is always filled with people from the council on foreign relations or the trilateral commission. Both of these are global think tanks. If a leader did get elected and attempted to change things they would be killed. Just that simple. We are run by globalists their structure is already in place and they are no consolidating. Now get ready to go vote. Like I said Democrat or Republican? I am a conservative Republican.
There are very small differences in the political parties. They both exist to further take rights away from people and advance the agenda of the State. Neither party wants to advance individual liberty.

Having said that I am a registered Republican because Florida is a closed primary state. You have to belong to a political party in order to vote in the primaries.
There are very small differences in the political parties. They both exist to further take rights away from people and advance the agenda of the State. Neither party wants to advance individual liberty.

Having said that I am a registered Republican because Florida is a closed primary state. You have to belong to a political party in order to vote in the primaries.


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Yes. I am about as Libertarian as they come. But like I said in my above post I am registered the way I am in order to at least have my vote counter. In Florida if you register Independent you cannot vote in the Primaries.
I'm a Constitutionalist which makes me completely opposed to both parties.... I find it hilarious that the Constitution was written to limit the power of the Federal Govt, yet the Federal Govt decides what is and is not Constitutional!!!! Our society truly is pathetic...
I agree. I considered myself Independent until Obama got into office. Between him, Pelosi, and Reid, I am feeling pretty Republican these days.

Ditto, I really dont like when someone is too far left or right. I like the in between but this current admistration is so far left they could land in Asia if dropped from the sky. So I'm liking the GOP'ers
Just label me as anti-obama right now.

that's good enough for me...

being a member on many boards i see this over and over and over...almost all of us on the boards are anti-obama and most of us are leaning conservative or conservative and anti-libtard
that's good enough for me...

being a member on many boards i see this over and over and over...almost all of us on the boards are anti-obama and most of us are leaning conservative or conservative and anti-libtard

I see this on many boards also. But I still scratch my heads as to his popularity.

How's does he poll at close to 50 percent in the polls?
I see this on many boards also. But I still scratch my heads as to his popularity.

How's does he poll at close to 50 percent in the polls?
some people realize he aint the best president but he is better than Bush who in my opinion really fuckd our nation. i mean when you compare him to the alternatives he is not that bad.
I see this on many boards also. But I still scratch my heads as to his popularity.

How's does he poll at close to 50 percent in the polls?

I take polls with a grain of salt. It all depends on who is going to show up and actually vote in the end. Some polls measure favorability which he is a likable guy which in my opinion is how he won the election so he always polls well. When polls are taken on the economy though that is where the change comes, he polls badly on his handling of it and the economy being the #1 issue the table will turn when people realize that liking someone isn't going to put food on the table or a roof over their head.
some people realize he aint the best president but he is better than Bush who in my opinion really fuckd our nation. i mean when you compare him to the alternatives he is not that bad.

not sure about that...we've declined faster under the illegal immigrant president than any other...i honestly think even though we'd be in a mess, we would be better off if bush would have declared war so he could have stayed president...
not sure about that...we've declined faster under the illegal immigrant president than any other...i honestly think even though we'd be in a mess, we would be better off if bush would have declared war so he could have stayed president...

I honestly dont believe any president has been as detrimental to the future of this country as Obama.
we would be better off if bush would have declared war so he could have stayed president...
declare war so americans can have more toys and cheaper gas? honestly most of you guys are more intelligent than I in many areas. I have lived on minimal wage most my life and never went into debt. only time I was on food stamps was the year I was in drug and alcohol treatment. I work in mental health feild with many amazing people who had a rough life who dont ask for more than they deserve and thats love, food, shelter and health care. yes i might get on here bitching about struggling to make it to the end of the month and maybe im one of the dumbass 50% who approve of Obama but im not pissed off bitching about the president like I was when Bush was in office.
declare war so americans can have more toys and cheaper gas? honestly most of you guys are more intelligent than I in many areas. I have lived on minimal wage most my life and never went into debt. only time I was on food stamps was the year I was in drug and alcohol treatment. I work in mental health feild with many amazing people who had a rough life who dont ask for more than they deserve and thats love, food, shelter and health care. yes i might get on here bitching about struggling to make it to the end of the month and maybe im one of the dumbass 50% who approve of Obama but im not pissed off bitching about the president like I was when Bush was in office.

I like Bush more every day that Obama is in office. Things only went bad at the end for Bush and half the blame for that goes to the Democrat Congress at the time. Obama has had 3 1/2 years and has never had unemployment under 8% for a single month of that time. The debt has gone through the roof. I can't think of a positive thing to say about Obama.
I like Bush more every day that Obama is in office. Things only went bad at the end for Bush and half the blame for that goes to the Democrat Congress at the time. Obama has had 3 1/2 years and has never had unemployment under 8% for a single month of that time. The debt has gone through the roof. I can't think of a positive thing to say about Obama.

He's a good golfer.