Democrat or Republican?

In the whole sceme of things I've leaned towards Libertarian. Our so-called two party system is nothing more than 2 sides of the same coin. Look at our last election in 08 and compare it to now. Romney would be better for the economy in the long run but neither candidate has specified any real plan for recovery. Just firing cheap shots at each other 30 seconds at a time. No mention of repealling the Bliley, Leech, Gramm Act and reinstating the Glass Stiegal Act. Also the reinstatement of the uptick rule. No real stance on repealling the Patroit Act. Has Romney come forward about repealling NDAA? I would think a vast majority of his constituents, particularly the Mormons, are waiting for some kind of response. During his stint as gov of Mass, he went along with govt health care AND a ban on "assault" rifles. Ron Paul would have been the best bet but the media- our unofficial 4th branch of government- did its very best to ignore him and write him off as a kook. Seeing the support he had gave me a glimmer hope.

Kind of a rant, I know, I'm not apologizing. Thank you
i will admit i voted obama the 1st time but not this time.

lets see closed down the space program, how many jobs lost there?

increased unemployment to 99 weeks, 99 fucking weeks really how long does it take to find a job or do you think you are better than those jobs. O, yea i am sorry you'll only make 50 bucks more working than you would sitting on your ass at home so it's not worth it.

my rant for the moment.
I am republican because when I registered my wife was Democrat. Thats how much thought I put into it. Thomas Jefferson said, when
they split Republicans and Democrats, "Goverment is no longer for the people". When Obama first ran, I looked into his political history.
Out of all the things he voted on, he voted opposite of what he said he was going to almost 80% of the time. Really made me not
trust him. Bush might not have been the sharpest tool in the shed but you knew where he was comming from. When Obama now
speaks, most of the time I am saying, "what he say??"
When Bush ran for second term I did my own survey. I am union (pro demo) and when someone would bring up politics or prez.
race I asked what party they were. If they were Rep. I said I was demo. If they were Demo. I said I was Republican. I found out
That the republicans said "OK, your a democrat" and that the democrats said I was a "IDIOT" "UNEDUCATED" ect. I was even
called "MORALLY BANKRUPT" when I said I was a republican. (what the hell does that mean?? lol) I am in Calif.(fucking San Francisco)
and you cant say you are republican or someone will put a rock through your window but I am now PROUD I registered Rep!
(cant say I am pro guns out loud either LOL)
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I like Bush more every day that Obama is in office. Things only went bad at the end for Bush and half the blame for that goes to the Democrat Congress at the time. Obama has had 3 1/2 years and has never had unemployment under 8% for a single month of that time. The debt has gone through the roof. I can't think of a positive thing to say about Obama.

He's been on every talk show and magazine cover in America... Gotta love being a rock star... Uhhh.. I mean president.

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