diet soda...

EatingMachine said:
Pre workout I either drink a protein shake with lots of carbs or eat some fruit and several spoonfuls of natural peanut butter.

During my workout I eat Cliffs bars and drink gatorade. I would like to find something that works as well as the cliffs without the soy protein, but, so far the oatmeal in the cliffs bars works better than anything. I am going to look for some reciepes to make my own bars, I think Missfit posted one not too long ago on another site.

I also eat the fruit i got addicted to banannas long ago and haven't been able to give 'em up.

I remember reading something recently about home made bars but it was on this a search eatingmachine and see if you can find it but i know i saw it pretty recently...
Your stomach doesnt get upset while u lift EM??? I can t eat while lifting or it comes back up. I may try your recipe once you make it and see how it works.
I can eat anytime! Well maybe not during squats, but, just about anyother time. On squat days I eat during my warm up sets.
Look at a can of "ANY" soda. The ingrediants are listed but they dont arrive at the BOTTLING plant all mixed together. The different chemicals come through the gates of the plant in tanker trucks in large quantities to be mixed at the plant. By FEDERAL LAW some of these trucks have to have HAZARDIOUS MATERIAL plackards on them because they are carringDANGEROUS chemicals. HHHHMMMM...for axample if you drink a 12oz can of any of the ACDIS contained in sodas you would probibly need hospitalization if it didnt kill you first. This is why I only drink water, milk, and different types of teas. A friend brough this to my attention about 4 years ago and I have not had "ANY" soda since. Which kinda sucked at the time cause I liked RUM and COKE. Makes you think though.

hey soda is not good for you . Expessually if you want to work out and be healthy . Soda is made of carbon dioxide , thats the bad air that we breath back out , so basicaly your drinking in what you breath out. Me personaly i do not drink it because i get more energy when i drink water , juices ,and noncarbinated drinks. usually when i start drinking sodas i start getting sick and loose energy. The more water you drink the stronger and more healthier you will become. Your muscles are made up of tissue and water. So when working out drink lots of water .
Only water, natural juices, no soda, carbonated water, sodium are not very healthy for you but of course everybody knows that...

Em...did you ever find that recipee MIsfit posted....i checked but was having no luck i checked on one of the other boards as well...could have sworn i saw it here though.
yeah, you talkin 'bout the one with the cream looks good...i might try the p-nut fudge ones tonight...gots all the ingreedients so i'm gonna give it a try after i finish cookin upu this weeks chicken breast adn egg