different type of cycle


New member
basically i'm goin to use up some stuff i've got lying around

sus 750 ew wk 1-16
prop 300 ew wk 1-16
deca 600 ew wk 1-16
drol 50mg ed wk 1-6
provi 50mg ed wk 6-16
clen 120 mcg wk 6-12
t3 50 mcg wk 6-12
insulin 20iu ed wk 1-16

first time using insulin goin to run humilin-r jsut dont know if i should do it pwo only of split it up once upon waking and pwo. not the typical cycle i guess it could considered lean mass cycle
You're just throwing everything in there lol....Everything looks good though and you'll like the IGF, especially if it's MC IGF
Ran a similar one with tren instead of deca and no oral and had great gains, especially strength
you should put some good muscle on with this cycle bro, yea split them insulin injections up-10iu in the morning and 10iu pwo.

you could just run igf alone too bro instead insulin with it, your gonna have to eat alot of carbs to keep up with that kind of regimen of igf and insulin. be safe with it. keep that oatmeal with you every were you go, and put it in everything....protein shakes, eat with you chicken and rice.....everything.mash a banana up with oatmeal and shove it down bro.

good luck
you should put some good muscle on with this cycle bro, yea split them insulin injections up-10iu in the morning and 10iu pwo.

you could just run igf alone too bro instead insulin with it, your gonna have to eat alot of carbs to keep up with that kind of regimen of igf and insulin. be safe with it. keep that oatmeal with you every were you go, and put it in everything....protein shakes, eat with you chicken and rice.....everything.mash a banana up with oatmeal and shove it down bro.

good luck

Very true, I've seen people wreck themselves by not eating enough carbs
dreww did you split your insulin dosage up or take it all pwo

I do it all post workout (10iu max). Its the only time of day when Im not consuming fats of some sort. I like to use fruit for carbs if I have it available. If not, then oatmeal, rice, etc. will do.
you better read up on insilin before you kill your self, 20 iu's for a first time user is a no no..

not really bro, obviously its not the normal starting dosage but i know guys who started out at 20iu and had no problems, i also know guys who have run over 30iu in 1 shot on keto diets, its not as dangerous as made out to belive.
you should put some good muscle on with this cycle bro, yea split them insulin injections up-10iu in the morning and 10iu pwo.

you could just run igf alone too bro instead insulin with it, your gonna have to eat alot of carbs to keep up with that kind of regimen of igf and insulin. be safe with it. keep that oatmeal with you every were you go, and put it in everything....protein shakes, eat with you chicken and rice.....everything.mash a banana up with oatmeal and shove it down bro.

good luck

keeping carbs on hand is a good idea, especially if you arent experienced with slin, but oatmeal is far from the best option.. u want quickly absorbed sugars, because if things do go downhill the last thing u want is to be stuck with slowly absorbing carbs.
keeping carbs on hand is a good idea, especially if you arent experienced with slin, but oatmeal is far from the best option.. u want quickly absorbed sugars, because if things do go downhill the last thing u want is to be stuck with slowly absorbing carbs.

you absolutly right bro, just my way of doing things, i eat carbs around the clock. i should have specified the timing one has to consider when doing insulin.
keeping carbs on hand is a good idea, especially if you arent experienced with slin, but oatmeal is far from the best option.. u want quickly absorbed sugars, because if things do go downhill the last thing u want is to be stuck with slowly absorbing carbs.

You are right bro, 100%
well this would really be my second time with slin...first time i ramped up to 14ius a day for 3 weeks split 7 in the am and 7 pwo...didnt see any results really but back then i didnt know too much about diet and i didnt stay on it long enough
Guys Insulin is every bit as dangerous as its made out to be, so whoever said its not is crazy, a number of things can happen unexpectedly while on insulin that could fuck you up real good if not kill you

So for the sake of our new members and younger inexperienced guys I have to interject and not let them think its not as dangerous as people make it out to be as was stated above. Not trying to be a dick by any means but it just takes one idiot to read this and think its no big deal and try insulin and fuck up
Guys Insulin is every bit as dangerous as its made out to be, so whoever said its not is crazy, a number of things can happen unexpectedly while on insulin that could fuck you up real good if not kill you

So for the sake of our new members and younger inexperienced guys I have to interject and not let them think its not as dangerous as people make it out to be as was stated above. Not trying to be a dick by any means but it just takes one idiot to read this and think its no big deal and try insulin and fuck up

Exactly why I don't think I'll ever run it