Digital scale??


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I want a scale to weigh my glutamine and such. I was looking on ebay. Any of you guys double check your supps weight??
I took some of it to a lab in the hospital and weighed it and the generic plastic measuring spoon was not even close to being correct.
I never thought of weighing mine either. I need to start measuring my IGF, I think Presser is cheating me. Just joking, big guy!
You have to think that the supplement company could be thinking of a gram in terms of volume and not actual weight
I would measure the entire bottle of the supplement. It makes a huge difference depending on the supplement and how much it has settled, compacted or how loose it is. Then you can weigh how much the actual amount you need.
Actually in grad school we took many different measuring devices, like the cup that comes with liquid Tylenol and other major "mas produced" measuring devices and found that they are all off by huge amounts which leads to some kids getting hurt. The gov't allows for a 10% difference but that is a real gray area bc it is "SUPPOSED" to mean for the amount of drug per ml or dosage. They never held them accountable for measuring devices. Its crazy bc the measuring cups can be off by upto 30%. They mass produce those cups and if its off by 1.5ml, then you just overdosed or underdosed a child big-time. Anyway, my reason is that I use alot of BCAA and such and its expensive so I weighed the products and these companies are even worse than you ever thought. Why should they be,.. the FDA and actually zero regualatory bodies watch them. You need to watch yourself. In there defense, the products are difficult to measure bc the powders are super sensitive depending on how anhydrous, "dry versus wet" the powder's properties are at time of shipment compared to wharehouse storage and more. Wow, Im getting geeky here. I was just curious if anyone else weighed there glutamine or BCAA out of OCD bodybuilidng craziness or something