distrubing news on orals


New member
ok - I am at the orthapedic surgeons office today with my wife and he is asking her all these questions. she was there from hip pain due to bursitis and they took an xray and said they might want to give her an mri to make sure she did not have avn (something ventricular necrosis ) or something like that - the bone basically gets it blood supply cut off at the top of it and dies and the top of it collapses then. same thing Bo Jackson got from an injury. well - we ask - why would you think that? he says - I dont really - however you answered yes to taking oral steroids. she has taken medrol dose packs - oral prednisone for a skin condtion. he goes on to explain that they are confirming something - he was not sure - (maybe alpha 17) in oral steroids can induce changes in the lipid structure of the bone and can cause it to clog with fat and basically suffocate the blood supply.

ok - so now my heart is racing - I have not done orals but depo of course - so I ask him - well how about depo - he says - no problem and in fact his office only gives depo versions now due to this which is very new and not completely confirmed and it does not seem to create problems.

freaky eh?

any one else heard anything like this ?
bigjosh said:
clarify what kind of depot are you talking about? I assume you mean primobolan... thanks,,,bigjosh

depo meaning injectable.

any injectable preparation is know as depo xxxxxxxxx
Is he confirming something with all oral steroids, or something with corticosteroids, which is what your wife was taking. Coritcosteroids are completely different from AAS, and in my opinion when taken for long peroids of time are much more harmful. Clear this fact up first, then you can start to worry.
dman1 said:
Is he confirming something with all oral steroids, or something with corticosteroids, which is what your wife was taking. Coritcosteroids are completely different from AAS, and in my opinion when taken for long peroids of time are much more harmful. Clear this fact up first, then you can start to worry.

good question. I dont think he is sure - that is why I wanted to know if anyone on here had heard anything or knew anything more.

you know how docs are - they dont necessarily know more than any of us about certain things - but they might get an information point that can be expanded and researched.

that is what this is. I am not sure if it is applicaable to cortico only or both that and aas.

anyone know?
I know prednisone is some nasty stuff, I was on it for a while, and felt good at first, awful after a few...ache joints, headaches....you should do a web search and look at some of the side that others expirence..I would be afraid to combine it with anything..
I do know that one of the side effects of chronic corticosteroid use is loss of bone density. However, the reason why this side effect occurs is unknown. Maybe he is saying they now have a possible reason for why this side effect occurs. This is a very interesting discussion though. Bump for anymore thoughts.
Billy Graham, the wrestler blamed his hip deterioration on steroids as he had the same necrosis mentioned earlier...The thing to remember is that wrestlers and athletes take pain killers and corticosteroids too. I really doubt AAS has anything to do with this condition but prednisone is a nasty drug. Many doctors will say anything to scare you into stopping your "abuse" of steroids and are quite unethical about lying to convince you.
he meant corticosteroids, when I was taking them for my back my ortho had to give me that disclaimer before he could prescribe them to me, he basically said it could end up causing hip problems