disturbing tren dreams


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ive been having the most disturbing dreams, but i dont really even remember them. is it the tren? the one i had last night is really blurry but it was some sick shit involving my sisters newborn, a swimming pool, a vulcher or some fucked up bird, man i dont even know what else. does anyone get these? and what was some of shit yous are dreaming?
do a searchon fina or tren dreams bro alot of guys said this before as well, i wonder why?
I have done a few tren cycles and it hasent had much impact on my dreams, they maybe alittle more aggressive but not sick and twisted.
Some of my tren dreams are just flat out screwy! I wake up thinking, "WTF?!?!". The thing is that I love it....it's like a new movie every night....lol
lol...I've had some terrible dreams in the past. Death, drowning, shocking, burning, getting shot, etc.

The last one I had something blew up in my hands and mangled my arms all up...I had blood running down both my arms, my hands were missing some fingers and parts, and the weirdest part is I actually felt the pain in my dream. I was walking around trying to find someone to help me but there wasn't anyone around.
Never had bad dreams. It does give me night sweats and kills my need to sleep. Actually, I am an odd duck as I find tren makes me more mellow.
I get them after a few days on tren, they can be sick as hell usually invovling murder or something sidistic.
hmmmmmm i dont recall any weird dreams on tren. but then again i love scary dreams their my favs. (next to sex dreams haha) like said earlier , like a new movie everynight
I've done some heavy tren cycles and I didnt get any neat dreams I dont think not anymore than usual anyway.

When I first start using tren in a cycle or increase my dose drastically I have some strange dreams. The rest of the time I am normal except for the night sweats. I love tren.
Hm....all the dreams I ever had are real nice. I actually had one where I teleported from area to area of absolutely gorgeous sceneries...cliffs looking down on endless oceans, walking by myself thru a row of treens in autumn, walking along a shoreline, watching a lightning storm off in the distance....I wish it could have lasted longer. Funny thing is, a week after there was this thing on msn.com about the 15 places you have to go before you die and a lot of them looked a lot like from my dream.
That is some crazy shit, all you guys having crazy dreams involvig babies and swimmigpools. Sounds like you need to get some serious help, J/K lol.

What is causing this to happen? Anyone know? Is it homebrew or is it from somewhere else?
I have messed up dreams too. My phycology/rehab teacher( I don't do drugs,lol) told me that certain steroids make you think differently because it affects you pituitary or hypothalamus gland somehow. Since tren is so strong, I would imagine this is why you get messed up dreams.
Have had them also bro

Bro, they are sometimes freaky and I only can recall parts of them at times........the tren has alot to do with it....I also get this cough
when I take tren..........but yes know where you are coming from.
I don't remember my dreams in detail but I know that they happen because I remember parts and they wake me up about every hour. It only happens at the beginning of the cycle, but I sweat my ass of throughout!
now that im at the end of my cycle ive noticed that these dreams happened more at the beginning of my cycle. also seems like the nights sweats are gone too.