DMZ 2.0 & Igf ?

I just figured out what works best for me....

Eat a huge breakfast at 7am..take a preworkout with no stimulants in it, BCAA's etc...kind of like Amino Infusion....I also take 1 tab of PEPCID, otc acid reflux control...

10-15 minutes after I eat, I take 2 DMZ tabs at one time with 1-2 large glasses of water and then workout an hour later...

So far this has eliminated all side effects for me and I have noticed the strength increases and the size is coming on super quickly this way..Pumps still exist working out but not as bad...Plus by end of the day sex drive and aggression is better then ever, noticeably has a positive effect...

So I am sticking with this protocol for 30 days straight and I will let you guys know what happens..but this is the best format I have found for myself.
Anyone know the half life?? Any pharmacokinetic info on this?? I can't imagine only taking it once per day. I'd think using it breakfast and bedtime or breakfast 3pm and bedtime would give best benefit.
Anyone know the half life?? Any pharmacokinetic info on this?? I can't imagine only taking it once per day. I'd think using it breakfast and bedtime or breakfast 3pm and bedtime would give best benefit.

that would be nice to know other than the broscience i see on other sites about it., but i am not sure anyone has actually done any studies on the compounds to address that issue.
I have still been cutting calories, no cardio, and gained another 2 lbs when I weighed myself this morn.
Waist a little smaller. Probably water weight? Still only one a day.