DNP concern


New member
Ok guys, fatbody here tryin to lose some weight. Been doing cardio with workouts every day and its helping but im looking to kickstart the hell out of the weight loss. I ordered some DNP, 200mg caps i think it was. I am a firefighter, so im a little worried about all this. Of course i get hot at work but im wondering is it going to be that bad? im 6'2 and 300 pounds about right now. i know my optimal dose would be somewhat over 200 but im kinda thinkin 200 would be ok due to the heat factor and everything. Am I thinking along the right lines here or what? Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance bros!

I also read that 20 day cycles is good, can anyone give advice on cycle times and amounts?

a pic of lil ol me =)
First I'm no DNP guru. I've never used it and never will. That being said I know a bit about it. I know its basically an uncoupling agent that interferes with the krebs cycle and has no cap as to the temp it can elevate your core temp. Given the unstable working conditions you face and the occasional temps I think you are putting your life at risk messing with it. You don't sit in AC next to a drink cooler. If you are working and get dehydrated or overheated you have a serious chance of risking your life as well as those you work with. I would do clen and T3 instead. Save the DNP when you take a 20 day vacation or are off on injured leave.
Jesus Dude DO NOT EVEN CONSIDER DNP !!! Don't !! You are risking your life in a huge way !! and like The Dude said.. Anyone who you work with..

IF you are that overweight.. don't try and supplement something in to HELP you.. FIX YOUR DIET !!

There is a reason why you are 6'2" and 300lbs. and it's not because you are eating RIGHT.. It is because you are eating WRONG.

So before you even consider any type of supplement. Consider what you are putting down your throat.

I am not BASHING on you but it's NOT hard to figure out bro.. it's quite simple to realize that something you are doing is wrong..

and using a POISON to reach a fat loss goal when it elevates your core temp.. then add in the fact that you spend time in a firefighter suit.. RAISES Body Temp even more.. then if you actually have to go into a Burning building.. Guess what !? YOUR ORGANS WILL LIQUEFY..

No Joke.

START With a Perfected Diet Plan, add in Cardiovascular training on a H.I.I.T. basis.. and watch the lbs. MELT OFF that way.

These supplements aren't a quick fix.. they aren't just supposed to cancel out LAZINESS. AND Things of that nature. Honestly.. It's thinking like yours that gives the bad rep about us users.. because if you were to die from this.. The Media would spin it as a "STEROID DEATH" more negative press means MORE of a crackdown on everything.

It's not your fault. You aren't educated in the fact but.. seriously.. do as I say.. DIET !! CARDIO !! WEIGHT TRAINING !! Then once you got the hang of that.. then think about an CLEN/T3 combo.

In the meantime.. taking OTC Yohimbe and Caffeine will aid in some weight loss also...

Dont risk your life to lose FAT man... Really think it's worth it?
well hold on lol, im not lazy by any means. and im not tremendously fat, im a large framed guy, very wide in the shoulders, its just a fact. In the past i have worked out to stay strong, now im actually wanting to cut down and go for some definition and vascularity. i work three jobs and sleep about 4-5 hours a day and still get my ass to the gym and work out and run almost every day, so im not trying to cure laziness, i think i have that pretty well licked lol. Around where i live there are NO people who know what they are talking about with these sort of issues so that is why i asked on here, not to get flamed but to educate myself so i dont become a statistic. and "thinking like mine" is not what gives a bad rep. im gathering information, rather than just cowboying something serious and hoping for the best, make sense?
well hold on lol, im not lazy by any means. and im not tremendously fat, im a large framed guy, very wide in the shoulders, its just a fact. In the past i have worked out to stay strong, now im actually wanting to cut down and go for some definition and vascularity. i work three jobs and sleep about 4-5 hours a day and still get my ass to the gym and work out and run almost every day, so im not trying to cure laziness, i think i have that pretty well licked lol. Around where i live there are NO people who know what they are talking about with these sort of issues so that is why i asked on here, not to get flamed but to educate myself so i dont become a statistic. and "thinking like mine" is not what gives a bad rep. im gathering information, rather than just cowboying something serious and hoping for the best, make sense?

Im going to suggest not to use the DNP.

Just start with some simple diet tips. Here are a couple.

1. Try preparing all your meals and cook in masses, so it will last like 2 days. This way, you know what and how much you are eating.

2. I would stay away from all dairy products. Even skim milk has a lot of sugar in it. In other words watch the fat intake.

3. No carbs after 6-7pm, just protein.

4. from looking at your pic, cardio should atleast be 45min + long.

5. Try to get more sleep or catch a nap suring the day.

I know it has got to be hard with 3 jobs. But just do little changes and keep adjusting from there, so you can stay on track.
I wasn't flaming you bro, i thought I made that perfectly CLEAR.

I am trying to protect your life.. You know.. the one that is allowing you to work 3 jobs and still make it to the gym.

DNP is a bad idea.

Sorry if I came off wrong.. but it is just NOT a compound that you should use to achieve the goal you are trying to reach.

NUKNUK.. A very very very highly educated man when it comes to this sort of thing pretty much said it ALL.. and kinda reiterated what I said in a more in depth friendly sort of way.. I was more or less coming off in a way that would shock you into realizing that you shouldn't be using it..

Sorry if I offended you bro.
I've got quite a few friends that do what you do man so I know how demanding it is. My work schedule isn't QUITE as bad, but close. Nuk's advice is solid. Its going to be a bitch implementing it into your schedule, but you can do it, if you want it bad enough.
im gonna fit all that in, thank you all for the advice, Deuce im sorry if i got rubbed wrong. I know you guys are a wealth of information and i appreciate all the advice. I didnt realize milk was so bad, i drink a half gallon a day usually lol... ill change that. I use isopure protein so as to keep the carbs and stuff down, i know a guy like me should not be in the same room as something like muscle milk lol. Im writing down the diet tips. My biggest thing is i dont know what to eat and what not to. I got some good ideas this morning from reading Norm's log. It has shed a lot of light, and ill kick up the cardio from 25 minutes to 45. What i usually do is work out hard enough for around 45 minutes to an hour, depending on what day it is, then go run for about 20-25 minutes i would say. Ill cut out all the milk and cheese starting now. Thank you again all, and ill leave the dnp alone.
ok bro... ive used it...

and im telling u not too.

i was using it... and thought i could go out to a club (sober. drinking water)

holy fuck i thought i was going to die... i had to leave...

people thought i was on rec drugs... i was sweating like a trooper... and i was wearing jeans and shirt...

u go in a building, with ur fire suit on... u WILL die.

dont do it bro...

or atleast take 2 weeks off work if u do...

my 2 cents
im gonna fit all that in, thank you all for the advice, Deuce im sorry if i got rubbed wrong. I know you guys are a wealth of information and i appreciate all the advice. I didnt realize milk was so bad, i drink a half gallon a day usually lol... ill change that. I use isopure protein so as to keep the carbs and stuff down, i know a guy like me should not be in the same room as something like muscle milk lol. Im writing down the diet tips. My biggest thing is i dont know what to eat and what not to. I got some good ideas this morning from reading Norm's log. It has shed a lot of light, and ill kick up the cardio from 25 minutes to 45. What i usually do is work out hard enough for around 45 minutes to an hour, depending on what day it is, then go run for about 20-25 minutes i would say. Ill cut out all the milk and cheese starting now. Thank you again all, and ill leave the dnp alone.

All good advice so far-- I have tried it and its no picnic- my skin turned yellow as the did all the bed sheets from all the damn sweating.

The cutting of dairy is a good start- I would also suggest that you get a diary(or a book) and write everything down that you eat- I mean everything.
It is one of the first things I do with a client- and its so funny to see their reaction to see some of the stuff they eat- people don't realize it.
Once you do that- you have a lot of great members and reps that can help you refine and fine tune your diet to help you progress.
My two cents.
MaskedMoron !! I am very just a little under 7 hrs you have done a complete switch around.. you have agreed to NOT use DNP, You have agreed to work on a diet, you have agreed to switch cardio routines, you have agreed on a journal.. ALL POSITIVE STUFF Towards your goal ...

Now, they are just words you have typed to us... You need to follow through with it!! That's the real task at hand !!

And by looking at your picture, man, you aren't THAT out of shape.. HELL .. You are borderline ready for a cycle.. lol.. IMO..

I cycled in waaaaay worse shape than you.. but first.. i'd implement a solid routine for awhile.. tell ya the truth.. you're a house.. why don't you focus on ONE thing building muscle !! You don't need to cut before you bulk... bulk then cut !! That's what we are missing out on.. Instead of picking up your cardio routine, what about !! High Intensity Weight training.. resting between sets at only 30secs you'd burn FAT and BUILD muscle !!

Ok.. I ... Need... to.. think.. on... this....
it worked for me... just read some of my logs. Dropped a shit load of fat. 50lbs and 38 waist down to 32. If your a firefighter or someone who can be exposed to high heat for a very long time i dont suggest it. But i do work in a club, When i started to get to hot... id take a breather out in the snow... id only suggest using in the winter months.

you do get used to it though... i was actually sitting in the steam room some days towards the end of my usage.
I agree with The Deuce, you really aren't that out of shape at all. You don't have a gut or tire and clearly have some size on you. What are your goals??? Specifically. Do you want to get shredded? Do you want more of a bodybuilders physique?? You have to have solid goal.
Well i like being big and strong, it comes in very handy on the job, but i want to be defined and see my abs. I know i have some somewhere, i just need help finding them =) I guess a bodybuilder physique is something i would want to see, i just have never known how to achieve that. I have the movements in the gym, but now im getting diet down.

Oh also i actually paid attention today to what i was eating and drinking.

Ate 5 eggs for breakfast this morning, skipped out on the bacon, which sucked but i left it alone anyway. Went to pour my first pot of coffee and realized that was a bad idea cause i usually put sugar in it till the spoon stands up straight. And i drink a couple pots a day and through out the night. So thats out now too. Never realized how much dairy stuff i consumed today till i looked in my fridge. my pit bull ate a bunch of cheese today and got some milk too lol... I ate two slices of wheat bread nothing on it. and ate some quesadillas this afternoon because i had EMT class and was hungry as hell. Left the sour cream alone, just ate them plain. had a isopure shake too around lunch today, just used water with it instead of milk, tasted like hammered shit but oh well. Also i have a horrible addiction to pistachios, usually eat a cup full here and there (I swear those things have crack in them or something).