Do not order from KELI

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I guess I was fortunate then because I ordered 10's and got 50's for the same price since he took longer with that particular part of my order. Although, he had told me at the beginning that it would take longer to get that specific card
AUGGHHH! this really sux! i had no probs with keli's with fast prompt service. then now this post, AUUUGHHHH..
kossdeh said:
I guess I was fortunate then because I ordered 10's and got 50's for the same price since he took longer with that particular part of my order. Although, he had told me at the beginning that it would take longer to get that specific card

see bro that the thing i know a guy that order 50s and got 5s.. it said right on the package 5's.. and when this guy brought it up to him he said there was no way that they were 5.. had to be 50.. so the guy started taking them to test them.. he took two ed in the morning of his winne tabs.. did split them up but was taking 100mg of winny at one time.. and got nothing off of them.. then keli wanted double the money for the order and i haven't talk to the guy about this lately but last i heard and that was monday keli still hasn't got back to him..
wow this sucks...please keli.....fix these little bumps in the road....
ouch...that does suck...I wish keli the best of luck to get back on track!!
Gear101* said:

Well no fucking wonder.... I got these when he had that "sale"....25's for the price of 10's. And come to find out they are 5's. Thats fucked up. And for those that say "hope he gets things straightened out"... HOW MANY CHANCES DOES ONE GET?
Fina Addict said:

Well no fucking wonder.... I got these when he had that "sale"....25's for the price of 10's. And come to find out they are 5's. Thats fucked up. And for those that say "hope he gets things straightened out"... HOW MANY CHANCES DOES ONE GET?

that will leave a mark... he posted that on a bunch of boards...and didn't come throught with his order's on that sale.. and now the guy is said to be sending 5s out
I e-mailed him today, and asked him what was the deal with the big is his reply:

"QUOTE: The actual deal is this. People keep ordering items that are not in stock. If you look at my webpage, I update what is in and what is out. They will order 6 different things, but 2 of them I do not have. But at the same time they won't take a refund for those items or No for an answer.

keli "

So I guess, if you are going to order from him.....check his page to see if they are in. And probably e-mail him to verify they are in stock (I did this last order, and got my stuff fast).

For you guys that have been waiting forever, I suggest to have him substitute something that he has, or ask for a refund....he always seams to be willing to work things out.

Good Luck!
I'm glad some people are happy with him,that's how a business gets more customers,but others have been totally screwed,and that's why Admin issued a warning to all,especially new customers.
One thing is certian,there is not a single Mod on this board...gearedup,PRESSER,dedprez,BStrongBwell,Gear101,basskiller,or me for that matter who will refer a member to him anymore,and that's only because we don't like people getting ripped off whether it's 5% of the time or 100% of the time.
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