Do people stare at you?



It seems that wherever I go, people are always staring at me. Maybe it isn't so bad in other states, but in my state, there are lots of people that simply stare--doesn't matter where I go. It's as if the only place that seems normal is the gym.
People stare at me all the time- especially in the gym.
I try to ignore it- way to busy to chat in the gym.
I am courteous however, if someone comes up and asks me about an exercise.
Take it as a compliment. We are a minority - you must be doing something right.
Think about - after all the time,effort,$$$ ect.... you put into this, You would probably be pissed if people DIDN"T notice.
i only get starred at when doing the DC stretches in the gym. I swear people are just dying to ask me WTF Im doing. Not to mention, you dont make the happiest faces when that stretch pain is kicking in.
people stare at me when im in the gym everyday most of my gym is cardio people there not used to seeing people load 455 etc on a bar and lift it they think thats weird or somethin. Anytime i deadlift people just start i just turn up my headphones tune them out and do my own thing.
mcgaret said:
Take it as a compliment. We are a minority - you must be doing something right.
Think about - after all the time,effort,$$$ ect.... you put into this, You would probably be pissed if people DIDN"T notice.

well put!
shit there probly trying to figure what your on...... or what there doing wrong ....maybe there looking at your form and dont want to interupt you with a question i'm not huge like you fools and i hate interuption when i work out ..not huge yet... but working on it ... i look to see big folks work out on days that im tired for inspiration ....and it helps me keep pushing threw my work out .if you can do it so can i its diffently a compliment ... so get big and inspire us, not huge yet folks...not there yet but i will be.....cardio still sucks .....
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2fastnova said:
shit there probly trying to figure what your on...... or what there doing wrong ....maybe there looking at your form and dont want to interupt you with a question i'm not huge like you fools and i hate interuption when i work out .....

i notice guys smaller than me sometimes watching me. I did the same thing and still do (I watch the hulks, but their aint many). I think they wonder how come on most of my lifts, I use alot less weight then them. But on squats and deadlifts I use alot more (if they do those at all). But they of course load 3+ plates on each side of the iso-press machines. And do body curls with 50+lb db's.
dreww said:
i only get starred at when doing the DC stretches in the gym. I swear people are just dying to ask me WTF Im doing. Not to mention, you dont make the happiest faces when that stretch pain is kicking in.

Yep, I get that at the gym.
mcgaret said:
Take it as a compliment. We are a minority - you must be doing something right.
Think about - after all the time,effort,$$$ ect.... you put into this, You would probably be pissed if people DIDN"T notice.

I guess you're right. I would be pissed if no one noticed. I just think it's funny sometimes because you have the group that look and look away quickly, and then you have the group that just gawk at you without trying to hide it (this is outside the gym).
dreww said:
i notice guys smaller than me sometimes watching me. I did the same thing and still do (I watch the hulks, but their aint many). I think they wonder how come on most of my lifts, I use alot less weight then them. But on squats and deadlifts I use alot more (if they do those at all). But they of course load 3+ plates on each side of the iso-press machines. And do body curls with 50+lb db's.

I see that at the gym as well although even a couple of the bigger guys watch me, too. I watch the big guys, too (not many at my gym either and I'm on my way to becoming one of them), to see if I can improve on anything.
I'm not in that kind of shape at the moment but when I am I do get looks, not stares. Usually it's when I'm racing and/or running that I get the most attention because the majority of runners are scrawny, lightweights and I look like I'm racing against my kids when I line up. lol... seriously though I love it when I'm in great shape and people are taking notice, can't wait to get back on and get there again soon!
saudades said:
then you have the group that just gawk at you without trying to hide it (this is outside the gym).

this is me in relation to really hot chicks. lol

"yea, Im starring. Whats your point? Dressing like want me to stare!"