Do Steroids cause violent behavior??

Do steroids cause violent behaviors

  • Absolutely NOT

    Votes: 16 80.0%
  • YES they do

    Votes: 3 15.0%
  • I'm not sure

    Votes: 1 5.0%

  • Total voters


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
I agree with you 100% they make my fuse a little shorter but your still the one making the decisions. They dont take over your body and make you go apeshit on someone. I just find myself shaking my head alot more and gritting my teeth.
im pretty much an asshole while not on lol so tren wil b innnnnnterstingg....if i go missing frm tha board this is my 2 weeks notice lmao
I wouldnt say it causes violent behavior.. but rather yet it makes you more emotional. for examplee if you are feeling Good and excited and happy youll FEEL EVEN HAPPIER. If you were feeling angry and violent youll FEEL EVEN MORE ANGRY. yeah
i am a liad back guy, but for me the only true signs of increased agression is towards the end of my cycle (weeks 12-14)

i dnt get over mad at things, but YES my fuse is shorter. And the serious things wnt bother me too much, its more like thre little things.
This is such a dead horse issue! How many incidences have you seen at an rnold classic or Mr Olympia show!!?? Are police showing up at these shows to control a crowd full of steroid using freaks!!??? I have been to all of the above and DOZENS of smaller shows for twnty years and I can tell you with CERTAINTY I have NEVER! seen one incidence of violecne or misbehaviour!!!! Numbers don't lie........... Now a rap, rock concert or soccer game!!???? Thats another story! Enough with this sh%+#@t already!
normally i just get really horny. Like sex addict horny. But, I have found the best cure for that is a low carb diet...
No way does it make me more aggressive, and im already a normally pissed off guy. So coming from someone who isn't laid back and already has a short fuse I can say in confidence it does not make you more aggressive its all in your head.
Hell, I get extra angry/aggressive when I don't eat or sleep... what's that say? I mood swing when starting/stopping/starting protein and vitamins. I guess I'd be a bastard and a half if I used gear. lol
I get angry when I come off. I feel great and am more paitent when I am on cycle. The first three days after are the worst.
I think it's mostly bullshit but on a rare occassion it might make me more aggressive than normal but it really depends on what I'm taking. Possibly Tren might make me a bit more snappy...Test on the other hand makes me pretty calm and more relaxed most of the time.
My felony conviction would suggest roids gave me violent tendencies...but we are all's like the adage "Which came first...the chicken or the egg?".