do you correct people in the gym with bad form?

I only offer advice if someone is going to hurt their back with bad deadlift form. Otherwise i just point and laughter at them.
If i think it would hurt someone I might if they seem to be trying to learn the ropes so to speak. I used to get irritated at this group of tools in my last gym that went around correcting everyone and even showed bad form themselves. It was very annoying but since they competed in some local shows and their pics were on the walls people looked at them like Gods. There was a guy who modeled for Abercrombie who did 120s on the incline and he was tall and wormy and I used to watch him help people. He did it the right way and seemed to always get people straightened out without them being offended. Then again he was all over walls too.

I'm just guessing, but your pic wasn't on the wall?? :wave:
I won't correct someone unless they're doing something really stupid like facing the wrong way in the squat rack.

This in fact happened just yesterday, lol! I was doing some incline press, and an old guy in his late 50s or early 60s was putting a Manta Ray collar on the bar, and he got in and was facing the wrong way. My equipment was facing him so he was looking at me while he was doing his half-squats. I mouthed, "you're facing the wrong way" while I was doing my set. He stopped and refit the collar and turned around!
Ok so after having this thread in the back of my mind I broke down and told an elder gentleman this evening how he was going to injure himself if he continued the poor form (doing tricep pull downs) he had while working out. He was very perceptive and appreciative, it felt good to be able to help someone willing to listen.