Do you do dips for chest or triceps?

The Survivor

New member
I usually do mine for triceps, and have always thought that you keep your elbows tucked in close to your sides but if you spread elbows out it then becomes chest. Correct? Also do any of you do seated dips? For tri's? I have old school parrallel dip stand that I welded handles on bottom to do seated dips w/weights on my lap. Or am I the only one who does these anymore?
I have used dips for both triceps and chest. I used to do the seated dips with weights in your lap. That brings back good memories. Sometimes I miss some of these old school things that were done before a lot of these machines were created.
i still do the dips with weight in my lap i find it better than the machine seated dips...many people only do these machines and cables these days..not me i use them as finnishing moves..example over head rope ect..i really like wide grip chest dips with a weight belt its a good warm up.
I LOVE dips! They are the best for my triceps, nothing makes my triceps look so freakishly pumped like dips! As for chest , I have someone behind me hold out my legs down at my ankles so I'm leaning forward and it hits my chest great!
Yep, this is true. Lean forward for chest, stay back for tris. Though you will feel it in both no matter what your angle. Leaning forward will put more emphasis on chest.
I love dips. I used to do them at the end of EVERY chest and triceps workout. What sucks is I can no longer do them ever since I separated my shoulder, I am in too much pain while doing them. Sucks cause they are a great exercise. I used to do them weighted with four plates for 4 sets of 10.
i do bodyweight only vbar dips as a finishing movement for chest...i do seated dip machine for tris...except i'm not one of those morons who kneels in front and removes the seat and faces the machine using leverage of entire body...i sit like you're supposed to and squeeze and pause the reps...