Do you ever get so stressed

supersport said:
Looks like a sly way to post whore to me, but I am sure these guys wouldn't do such a thing! LOL!

well yes and no.....
my training partner made a derogatory comment about AT&T......and someone he knows (AHEM) works there! LOL
Geez....For the last couple of days I've been on the verge of snapping...bad...

Tren is really getting to me this time. Not to mention my girlfriend has been acting shady lately...The combo of both is giving me bad anxiety.

Hmm...Maybe I should just call the hot little blonde that gave me her number last night instead of putting up with her shit. Any comments/advice?
I know that I have been like that for the last month or so. Sometimes I just want to kick someone's ass because I think it would make me feel better.:( :( The thing is that I am not even a violent person what so ever. :confused:
i'm pretty weird when it comes to stress and my temper. i will be riding fine and straight then if something triggers me, i go of. no gradual growth of anger just form zero to sixty in 1 second. it's a nice emotional roller coaster though!!
BiggerStronger said:
Geez....For the last couple of days I've been on the verge of snapping...bad...

Tren is really getting to me this time. Not to mention my girlfriend has been acting shady lately...The combo of both is giving me bad anxiety.

Hmm...Maybe I should just call the hot little blonde that gave me her number last night instead of putting up with her shit. Any comments/advice?

I'd ask your girlfriend if the hot little blonde can join in with both of you. That would DEFINITELY relieve some stress. Use the number BiggerStronger!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't get as many telemarketers-I get fax calls. I pick up the line and just get a beep beep. I hang up 15 minutes later same fucking thing. Usually very late at night- 2am There is noone there to be mad at so I beat my wife and dog-But they had it coming.
supersport said:
Looks like a sly way to post whore to me, but I am sure these guys wouldn't do such a thing! LOL!

Yes, it was a jab at my buddy but I guess it also looks like a cheap way to get an extra post too. :D
I would freak out from stress, but basically Im a pacifist --My father always taught me, never hit anybody out of anger unless your absolutley sure you can get away with it!

dont believe a word of that Bro.... thats a quote from the movie "Stripes".
If you wanna mess with me I advise you to just lay down and start bleeding, It will save us both a lot of time.

...lighten up, FRANCIS!
rugbythug said:
I don't get as many telemarketers-I get fax calls. I pick up the line and just get a beep beep.

That's not a fax call, dummy, that's the roadrunner.

Skip said:
That's not a fax call, dummy, that's the roadrunner.


That means you'll need some "ACME rocket-power shoes" to catch him and make it stop!
Damnit-I knew there was something funny going on. Cause sometimes the fuckin Coyotes go nuts behind my house-And that is not a joke.