Do you get grief from your friends when your on a diet??

mark mcgwire

New member
I've been dieting since the beginning of the year and have to hear some of my friends give me sh*t about not going our for wings or beer. I'm not dieting for a show, I'm just dieting for me and want to eat well.

The question is kind of for the guys that don't compete. I'm wondering what you're friends say when you decide to give up beer, etc.
I get shit - but they shut when I pat them on the belly and show them my abs....(that part only works when I'm lean).

If they are with their girl ask her who's abs look better - that will shut them up..
CCapel said:
I get shit - but they shut when I pat them on the belly and show them my abs....(that part only works when I'm lean).

If they are with their girl ask her who's abs look better - that will shut them up..

that's funny, and embarassing for them!!
CC!!! There ya go!!!

I just ask if all that beer is really worth being fat, drunk and stupid, not to mention small... LOL

Yep..... I had one friend tell me this:

"Why do you always watch your diet so closely....Your not a real bodybuilder....."

I said, why am I not a real bodybuilder?

He says because you don't compete.....

I said, YET......

That pissed me off tho.....

I like CC's suggestion....... Or if you don't have abs.... Flex your arm and say don't you wish your man had arms like these.... :D
Friends aren't too bad to deal with because most of them are into fitness as well. It's the idiot lay people that want to diminish your goals so that they won't look as bad next to you.
When I was in college I worked at a bank with a bunch of catty women. One in particular felt the need to take inventory of my meals each day. One day she saw me eating what she thought was a candy bar and anounced it to everyone. I didn't even know what she was talking about until I realized she'd never seen a protein bar in her life and had mistaken it for a candy bar.
The catty comments used to really get to me but now I realize, the better you look...the more jealous they get which just fuels my intensity at the gym.
Yeah, my friends are into fitness too. I don't get any grief from any of them. Matter of fact, sometimes they'll follow my lead.
I would get it more from family than friends. After time they relized what I was trying to accomplish and didn't give me grief anymore. Now If I could get my wife to quit bringing home donuts I'd be fine.
I get it mainly from gf's or friends are into fitness so they don't give a shit what I eat. Be it shakes or ice
I've got a b'day coming up and I'm sure we'll wind up out to dinner. For me it'll be chicken or steak and some water or iced tea and I'll be a happy camper.

I can almost hear the guilt trip now, but I really don't miss the beer or wings.
I have gotten the line "why do you do that to yourself you have to enjoy life man." I always make sure I come back with a smart ass comment.

People that lack dedication, determination and devotion always come up with some pretty crazy excuses for being out of shape. It makes me sick.
I went to a hockey game the other night and started looking around for extremely obese people. I'm still amazed at how many people are obese, not out of shape but actually at a dangerous level of obesity.
mark mcgwire said:
I've got a b'day coming up and I'm sure we'll wind up out to dinner. For me it'll be chicken or steak and some water or iced tea and I'll be a happy camper.

I can almost hear the guilt trip now, but I really don't miss the beer or wings.

Did you get your present tonite? :pleased:

So are your boyfriends missing you? Awwww. LOL
Why don't you go out once in a while & order something you can eat. And give them hell or call me & I'll yell at them.

There are a lot of people out there that don't understand what they are doing to themselves & wonder why they end up in the hospital at young ages. Some just want to sabotoge you because they are jealouse. They may not even realize they are doing it.

Hang in there cause I am proud of you!!