Do you guys think about this...

big in vegas

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
I see guys lifting some big weights and although it's a lot, I'm not typically impressed because pound for pound it's not impressive to. For example, a 300 pound guy deadlifting 650 or a 325 guy repping 405 on bench. I mean it's a lot of weight either way, but when I see that I just think that pound for pound it's not that impressive. There's a lot of guys that like to gawk at these guys because it's a lot of weight, but I don't think they're thinking the same way I do.
I think it's more impressive seeing a 200 pound guy benching 315 for reps or the same guy pulling over 500 on deads
I think it's more impressive seeing a 200 pound guy benching 315 for reps or the same guy pulling over 500 on deads

As long as they're doing it with pretty good form for reps, then I'm very impressed.
yeah like when I was 192 getting incline DBs with 115s that was impressive but my 280 pound friend at 20% BF not as much for sure
It depends on the person. If I see a fat slob bench 315, no that is not impressive or anyone that is out of shape making up for their lack of a physique by trying to show off with heavy weight. However, I am VERY impressed when I see a 290lb shredded monster doing 80lb dumbell presses or only 1200lbs on the Cybex Leg Press. That monster is using less weight than I use and is getting more stimulation from it. That is impressive!!
it depends on the person. If i see a fat slob bench 315, no that is not impressive or anyone that is out of shape making up for their lack of a physique by trying to show off with heavy weight. However, i am very impressed when i see a 290lb shredded monster doing 80lb dumbell presses or only 1200lbs on the cybex leg press. That monster is using less weight than i use and is getting more stimulation from it. That is impressive!!

Moving weight is moving weight. Sure, it's more impressive if the smaller guys does it, but you can't help but look when someone has a lot of plates on any exercise.
I have hit 405 on bench 5 times b4 at 225lbs, so seeing a 300 lb guy doing the same does not impress me at all.
to me I dont care how much some one can lift, not impressed, but if the guy is shredded ,im not talkin bean pole, then I am impressed, exactly what dude said
i plan on hitting 315lbs on the bench for 1 rep by the end of my next cycle, currently my best 1 rep max is 265lbs at 175lbs bodyweight.

Pease dont ask me my squatting stats,they are embarrassing!
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Being 6'3" and 255lbs I guess the thing that I notice is a persons height in relation to the amount of weight they are pushing. A guy who is 5'5" and 190lbs and of a similar build as me will have a much easier time moving weight on something like bench press. So to see him working 315 for more reps then me doesnt impress me. However to see a guy my height and only 200lbs or so doing the same weight as me is very impressive.... i guess what im saying you have to take height into consideration because the range of motion can vary greatly.
Being 6'3" and 255lbs I guess the thing that I notice is a persons height in relation to the amount of weight they are pushing. A guy who is 5'5" and 190lbs and of a similar build as me will have a much easier time moving weight on something like bench press. So to see him working 315 for more reps then me doesnt impress me. However to see a guy my height and only 200lbs or so doing the same weight as me is very impressive.... i guess what im saying you have to take height into consideration because the range of motion can vary greatly.
Agree with you bro.. But this is coming from that is 6'3''.. So us tall guys got to stick together.. lol. but I think a guy that is as tall as us and if your under 250 is still impressive.. they alot more travel to go ..
I never believe the height thing makes it more difficult, thats like your chubby friend saying pull ups are harder for him bc you are lighter, I dont buy it
if we bodybuilding who the f cares how much weight we pushing. If u big and look strong you can tell any idiot you lift whatever you want. I do.
I never believe the height thing makes it more difficult, thats like your chubby friend saying pull ups are harder for him bc you are lighter, I dont buy it

i guess the way i look at it is if your arms are half the length of mine... then one full rep bench press for you is half the distance of mine which requires more work to complete the rep...
i guess the way i look at it is if your arms are half the length of mine... then one full rep bench press for you is half the distance of mine which requires more work to complete the rep...

I understand how you mean it but do you think its harder for someone that weighs 20 pounds more than you to do pullups? like if you were working out with him and you wanted to do 4 sets of 10 at the end of the workout would you have him just do 4 sets of 8 to do the same amount of work as you?
I see where your coming from Metal, but being short has it's advantages on certain exercises and being tall has it's advantages on others. For example, on bench, if you take 2 guys that are the same weight and benching the same weight, but there's over 6" difference in their arm length, there's an obiovious difference that the person with longer arms has a longer way to push the weight. So I think having short arms benefits on bench, and it's the total opposite on deads. If you have longer arms, you don't have to lift the weight as high because yours arms are closer to the start position at the end. I mean ROM obviously is going to be relative to the length of the movement and extremities are going to play a role in that, there's no way around that