Do you guys think about this...

I feel like it has more to do with the angles that you are straigtening out, and its the same no matter arm length
I understand how you mean it but do you think its harder for someone that weighs 20 pounds more than you to do pullups? like if you were working out with him and you wanted to do 4 sets of 10 at the end of the workout would you have him just do 4 sets of 8 to do the same amount of work as you?

This analogy is flawed because you are comparing something static (ROM) to something constantly changing (strength/weight). Not apples to apples. Obviously longer limbs will provide a disadvantage, same as the principle of leverage.

I see where your coming from Metal, but being short has it's advantages on certain exercises and being tall has it's advantages on others. For example, on bench, if you take 2 guys that are the same weight and benching the same weight, but there's over 6" difference in their arm length, there's an obiovious difference that the person with longer arms has a longer way to push the weight. So I think having short arms benefits on bench, and it's the total opposite on deads. If you have longer arms, you don't have to lift the weight as high because yours arms are closer to the start position at the end. I mean ROM obviously is going to be relative to the length of the movement and extremities are going to play a role in that, there's no way around that

Only thing I would add is regarding deadlifts, unless you're a long-arm, knuckle-dragging gorilla-man (lol), you should also have long legs which compensate for the increased arm length. For the most part, people's bodies are within a relatively close proportional range. ;)
I'm not really sure what that's supposed to mean, but I'm not saying long-limbed people can't be strong or build muscle. Just that moving the same amount of weight a greater distance is more difficult. It's physics ;)
I was stating he has some gorilla knuckle dragging arms is all lol same with Jon Jones
Yea, I mean you're right that most long armed people have long legs too. So I guess in that aspect they almost even out