Do you jump between hobbies??

The Dude

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
I seem to have the worst problem staying focused on one thing. For a while I'm spending money on my car and I'm all into that, then I forget about it and I'm 100% focused on bodybuilding, then that will take a little bit of a backseat and I'll be on a gun kick. It seems to just cycle around, but I always have to be entrenched in something. Are you guys that way? I wonder if it's an OCD thing because it's constant.
I seem to have the worst problem staying focused on one thing. For a while I'm spending money on my car and I'm all into that, then I forget about it and I'm 100% focused on bodybuilding, then that will take a little bit of a backseat and I'll be on a gun kick. It seems to just cycle around, but I always have to be entrenched in something. Are you guys that way? I wonder if it's an OCD thing because it's constant.

I think that is just a guy thing lol. I do that crap all of the time but I focus on bbing more since it requires more dedication. I collect japanese cooking knives too.
The hell with OCD, that sounds like ADD to me lol....And I'd agree that it seems to be a guy thing, I'm the same way and I will have anxiety attacks because I'll get overwhelmed at times
Yeah it's good to do that.. I am same way and then drop everything and start something new..then what's weird I get interested in something and I remember I already have it and dig it out and start all over .lol..
Yeah I'm like that. I have a half built race car in my garage with a 1200 hp motor in it. One day I'll get a hair up my ass to finish it.
I never stop doing a hobby Im just not as involved all tge time. I have a garden year round here at my house and I will spend a day or two randomly working in it then let it be for a few days and concentrate on my stock portfolio for a couple of days then go out and spend some time in the garden again. I very seldom ever completely leave one of my hobbies for more than a couple of days.
My only hobby is downhill skiing. I worked as an instructor through high school and the first cpl yrs of college. Unfortunatly i can only do it a couple months a year.
It would be awesome to go to Chile in july and hit their peak season.
Man I'm diagnost with ADHD and always had and have bunch of hubbies, BUT, I'm a nerd so my hobbies were weird. One of them, and by far my favorite of them all(which I truly want to start doing it again) was magic tricks. I know it's weird but the reaction you get from people is PRICE-LESS! It feels so good when you freak 30 people out in the middle of the street.
I typically get to a point where I can't go any farther then give it up. And it's not that a person can't go farther, it's that I personally can't and then just get pissed and walk away. I've done this a few times, but the worst was rebuilding an engine in my car. That fucker has been sitting for 8 years now
Not just a guy thing, unless I've got parts I don't know about. I do this, too. Granted it's not rebuilding engines, but it might be mods to the camper/camping for a while and a couple months later some project at the house. Then there's this competing thing that seems to be sticking around for now...