Do you Lend Friends Money?


New member
From time to time I have friends ask me to loan them money. Not like $100 or $200 , Im talking thousands. Im like heh you want money go to the bank. I heard they lend for business. Ever since High School I have never lent out money and I never will. WHo here lends money to friends?
Very smart policy. Did once and got burned, so no more. Small amounts to people I know well and trust, perhaps. But now that I have retired, don't any more.
I let a good friend borrow $100,000 for a house he wanted to flip. I just had a lawyer draw up an agreement so that i would get my money back plus some of the profit from the sale of the property. But when it comes to lending less than a $1000 dollars, i dont lend it if i cant afford to lose it. Because we all know that you usually lose it. But i believe in karma. What comes around goes around. Im struggling now because of my ankle injury. Fortunately Ive had some good friends step up and help me when in need.I would like to think this is good karma.
No, I don't have any friends. lol. Sort of kidding, but I would rather give the money to someone with no expectation to get it back then come to an agreement about a loan. Like tripwire said I would only give the money I can afford to lose.
I was always told don't loan money that you can't afford to loose

AKA don't expect to get it back

there are a very few friends that I will loan money too-those are only the one's that have paid me back in the past
From all the years of illegal activities I've learned that if you put it out there people will take it. There's not much trust or respect among humans these days. I don't trust too many people, but the ones I do can and do borrow money and pay it back. I've also borrowed and paid back to these same people. If I loan someone money I simply expect the same amount back, but if I borrow money, I typically pay the money plus 10% back. I know it's a large amount to pay back, but I wouldn't borrow it if I didn't need it and for the kind gesture I don't mind paying something for it

This is a GOD as My Witness True Story and I posted it here many many years ago so some may remember this...

Anyhow I lent my buddy whom i was friends with all through highschool, played football together, and stayed good friends long after school, so my wife and him and his wife use to party together on weekends, and my wife and I were waiting for him and his wife to come over and we were going out together.

So my buddy shows up by himself, and I was like where is your girl and he told me they got into a fight over money cause he worked construction and sometimes you get shafted and your check bounces or they dont give u a check til following week, so he never got paid a check and his wife already wrote out the bills and mailed checks, and she was pissed off

So Long story short is I gave them the money a few hundreds, pretty sure it was just under $500 and told him to deposit it so they dont bounce the checks his wife wrote out for bills.

So weeks, then months go by and I ask for my money back, and nothing, so were all in a bar together with all our friends around and at this point im ready to embarres this guy and i ask wheres the money i lent you , and this mother fucker in front of our friends without hesitation said "My girl doesnt think we should have to pay the money back cause you have money"

Thats a GOD as my witness true story and this pussy whipped motherfucker said that shit in front of all our friends, and everyone just stopped and looked at him like he had lost his fucking mind,lol.

I use to always lend money out, and never asked for it back half the time if it wasnt much, but I will never ever fucking lend money out again, I havent spoke to this guy ever since, and he has to live with being such a fucking pussy, and the embarresment, and thats enough for me , so fuck him!

And for the record, im NOT rich by any stretch of the imagination, but even if i was worth millions and if i lent you money and i asked for it back, i want my fucking money back!

This is a GOD as My Witness True Story and I posted it here many many years ago so some may remember this...

Anyhow I lent my buddy whom i was friends with all through highschool, played football together, and stayed good friends long after school, so my wife and him and his wife use to party together on weekends, and my wife and I were waiting for him and his wife to come over and we were going out together.

So my buddy shows up by himself, and I was like where is your girl and he told me they got into a fight over money cause he worked construction and sometimes you get shafted and your check bounces or they dont give u a check til following week, so he never got paid a check and his wife already wrote out the bills and mailed checks, and she was pissed off

So Long story short is I gave them the money a few hundreds, pretty sure it was just under $500 and told him to deposit it so they dont bounce the checks his wife wrote out for bills.

So weeks, then months go by and I ask for my money back, and nothing, so were all in a bar together with all our friends around and at this point im ready to embarres this guy and i ask wheres the money i lent you , and this mother fucker in front of our friends without hesitation said "My girl doesnt think we should have to pay the money back cause you have money"

Thats a GOD as my witness true story and this pussy whipped motherfucker said that shit in front of all our friends, and everyone just stopped and looked at him like he had lost his fucking mind,lol.

I use to always lend money out, and never asked for it back half the time if it wasnt much, but I will never ever fucking lend money out again, I havent spoke to this guy ever since, and he has to live with being such a fucking pussy, and the embarresment, and thats enough for me , so fuck him!

And for the record, im NOT rich by any stretch of the imagination, but even if i was worth millions and if i lent you money and i asked for it back, i want my fucking money back!

Haha, that's funny as hell, I was expecting to read that you two got into a big fist fight or that he was going to tell you to go fuck yourself
I've lent money to my parents and that was a bad idea. I wrote most of it off. I had to borrow money from my Uncle once and that was terrible. I gave Silk full control over my finances and she paid him back in a few months. I'm the only one to ever pay him back. Now that they won't let me take money out of my 403B we have to come up with like 6k in 30 days. I'm going to find a way to get a little loan from the bank or get a credit card. It will only take us 3 months or so to pay it back, but I don't want to ask my Uncle. Makes me feel like less of a man
I've lent money to my parents and that was a bad idea. I wrote most of it off. I had to borrow money from my Uncle once and that was terrible. I gave Silk full control over my finances and she paid him back in a few months. I'm the only one to ever pay him back. Now that they won't let me take money out of my 403B we have to come up with like 6k in 30 days. I'm going to find a way to get a little loan from the bank or get a credit card. It will only take us 3 months or so to pay it back, but I don't want to ask my Uncle. Makes me feel like less of a man

Yeah borrowing money sucks balls! Been there myself and sometimes you just dont have a choice!!! I know ive been there!
oh an dude, i think Montel Williams will put up to 5k$ in your bank next day for 28% interest lmao. Sorry but i keep seeing this fucking commercial more and more during Holidays as well as some fucking Indian Casino Commercial Lenidng money for awfule rates as well as a scalping if u dont pay,lol
oh an dude, i think Montel Williams will put up to 5k$ in your bank next day for 28% interest lmao. Sorry but i keep seeing this fucking commercial more and more during Holidays as well as some fucking Indian Casino Commercial Lenidng money for awfule rates as well as a scalping if u dont pay,lol

Lol!! I've seen those things too. I'm totally freaking out, if I don't have the money on time I lose my 1k down. We have no credit cards or debt other than the cars so we should be good
Presser Clause is made of money and handing it out as stocking stuffers, maybe you can sit on his lap and ask him
Presser Clause is made of money and handing it out as stocking stuffers, maybe you can sit on his lap and ask him

If I was made of money, there wouldnt be any Robin Hood shit going on here thats for sure! But we dont have to ever worry about that!
many of yall know my ass is broke so im in no possition to lend money but i feel good i havent had to borrow money in years and have always paid my debitors. i also believe in karma and revenge lol presser you shouldve whooped that mofucka's ass