Do you look at the other women while lifting?


New member
There's this one girl who has been coming in late at night with her boyfriend (I'm assuming) and she's HOT! While I'm resting for my next set, I can't help but not to look. I try not to out of the respect for the boyfriend since I would be pissed as hell if some dude kept checking out my girl, but I'm a guy, I'm obligated to stare :D

Anyone else know where I am coming from?
i'm having the same dilema at my gym bro. it kinda hurts my workout but damn she's hot. i usually pay no mind to the girls there but this one you just can't help. you can always drop a plate on his head. that's what i did. J/K

it would be funny if it was the same gym.
When I'm doing a set, I don't pay attention to anyone else... but in between sets... I'll stare at anything that moves. Yep... there are a couple hotties in my gym... I just have to make sure that my wife isn't looking at me while I stare at them.

I enjoy the rest between sets while doing legs, cuz it's right next to the aerobics studio... and you have to glance in there at all the girls bouncing around.

You are not here to win friends. You are not here to look pretty. You are not here to stare at some chick's ass. You know why you're here. And if you don't, then get the fuck out because you're just taking up space. This is heavy duty. This is the weight room. Can you handle it.
Hey bro.. I feel you there..I know exactly what you are talking about, I agree..while doing my excersice...nothing is on my mind besides blasting that weight off of me...however between nice to look!!!!
Why do you think I got to a gym in the first place, huh? Not to get in shape; that's just a minor bonus :D

No seriuously, I can't help staring too. There are way too many cute girls in the gym and I would go crazy if I couldn't look at 'm.
Do you look at the other women while lifting?

Yes, I do & I enjoy it too ;)
Mainly because we've all found a time slot where there's hardly any guys in the gym & we can work out without being gawked at the whole time we're there *lmao*
It's common to look at a chick that is HOT. DOn't get worked up over it. I take that energy and focus it into the next lift I'm doing.
There's chicks at the gym? :surprised:

I plead the 5th on this one.
I tend to be a bad spotter when there is a lot of ladys around. But it also makes me lift more..... " give me the stack ! " lol:pleased: