Do you play sports?

Ox 51

Musclechemistry Guru
Do you play any sports? I still play softball. I haven't noticed any huge differences since I've been using gear, except for a little more power and a little less speed. Has gear helped those of you who play?
I haven't played sports since high school really. A couple of years ago I tried to play softball, but I had a stress fracture in my throwing arm and when I went to turn a double play, SNAP. So that was the last time I played a sport, but I've been wanting to play softball again
Bro, I can't even walk fast.... I can't ride a bicycle (balance) I have trouble hopping over a big puddle I see at the last minute and usually I'm not successful.
In High School I was a hell of a wrestler and also started on our Varsity Football team as a weak side linebacker as a freshman. At my towering height of 5'9 I could dunk when I was 17.
Now I'm a 20 second guy. If you can stay conscious for 20 seconds with me in a fight, chances are pretty damn good that you'll win. Fortunately no one has made the 20 second mark.
I play hockey and so far the added weight has really helped with leverage, especially when battling for loose pucks along the boards. As long as my cardio is up to par I'm sure I could handle some more weight, but I will reach point where it becomes a hindrance and I will have to decide what direction I want to go in.
I play semi-pro football... and the biggest benefit from gear is faster recovery from practice and training. But it helps me maintain strength and aggression throughout an entire game as well.
I've been thinking about going to an MMA gym just to get back in shape. Since I'm not big, I don't think it'd hinder me at all, but I've just gotta get my endurance up first