Do you take time to warm up before you train?

I do now. I use a foam roller for bout 10 minutes and a quick circuit on db's just to break a sweat.
As a powerlifter, I HAVE TO spend time warming up. I'll foam roll, stretch, get on a heating pad, slather on Blue Heat, use sleeves, do rotator cuff work, etc.
I always rub one out before I lift...does that count as a warm up...? I don't get as good of a workout when I don't do that...
I've done a lot of work with Kelly Starrett and done his certifications for mobility. I use a lot of jump stretch bands for muscle distraction and voodoo flossing...the voodoo bands are the greatest thing for tendinitis and tendonosis.
I can spend a min of 20min to 30 min warming up. I like to get the blood moving before working out. I do know many jacked guy to just go cold and there big as heck.
Warming up crucial in my op. A warm muscle is less likely to get injured as compared to a cold muscle just makes sense to warm up
I always did one light set then into it. Now, being a little older, I do a couple warm up increasing the weight slower.
I should do a good 10 min of cardio. It does help but im a lazy SOB.
Yes at least 10-15 minutes...I used to just jump right into it like Nuk as a bodybuilder...

Like Bruiser said for strength it is a must, I make sure any muscle groups I am using are very well warmed up and I slowly work my way up by doing light rep work and once I am at my working weight I go full blast, works wonders for strength.
2really light sets approx 20 reps, then 2 moderatly light sets for 15. seems to be enough warm up for me
I really only warm up my rotator cuffs before chest and shoulder training. But I will thoroughly stretch before legs, back and bis just get some light work before starting my working sets
I don't jump on the tred mill or anything, I usually just do like 100-150 abs reps and toes to sky stretching

And whatever body part I do that specific day I'll do some very low weight high rep sets to get the blood flowing