Doc rules out anxiety


New member
Although chest xray and ekg came back normal, he is sending me out for an Upper GI Index and an abdominal ultrasound. He also wants me to see a cardiologist and get a stress test done.

He ruled out anxiety for my pressure and discomfort im feeling in my chest. He also ruled out that what im feeling is training related because I would be able to reproduce the pain when i mimicked the motion that originally caused it. Acid reflux is his guess for whats causing the heavy presence on my chest, but he wants to make sure so he's throwing me through the ringer of tests.

He also doesnt want me to go to the gym until i see a cardiologist, and I cant make that appt until ive done the GI index and ultrasound. Appt. is for next tuesday.. No gym for at least 7 days, i dont think so
Dude, take the time off. It's probably not anything serious, but what if it is. It's not worth the risk to your health IMHO. Just take a week off from the gym, rest, and make sure your health is OK. When you get the OK, hit it hard again. No big deal.
Dude, take the time off. It's probably not anything serious, but what if it is. It's not worth the risk to your health IMHO. Just take a week off from the gym, rest, and make sure your health is OK. When you get the OK, hit it hard again. No big deal.

whens the last time you took a week off..its actually really good for the nervous system,imo id listen to the doc bro
Had my abdominal ultrasound and upper GI series done and doc just called me up and said that i definitely have Gastritis and possibly an ulcer. He told me that he wants me to continue to take this acid reducer antibiotic he gave me for 2 months then go back and have another Upper GI series done.. This blows, and totally fucks up my plans of starting M1T the second week of january...
It could of been i guess. Im just disappointed it wasnt something simpler where an antibiotic would fix it in a week and I could start M1T as planned.. Better an ulcer than a tumor though!
Do you have trouble breathing sometimes? Just curious - like shortness of breath etc.
Yes nair. Not really shortness of breath, but it def does take a moment for me to take a deep breath. I have to really concentrate, pin my shoulders back and after a few tries im able to take a deep breath
That's surprising to me because I wouldn't think that could be a symptom associated with Gastritis and especially an ulcer. Anxiety--as you already ruled out--is often a sign but I wonder if something else is going on. You saw a GP, right? Have you considered seeing a pulmonologist to eliminate any lung or heart problems?
doc ruled out anxiety as far as the chest discomfort goes, which he was right it was the gastritis pushing stomach acid up to the esophogus. As far as the shortness of breath, that could still be an anxiety symptom or a gastritis symptom since my stomach feels so bloated all the time its hard to take a deep breath. I think i found the culprit though. Coffee.. Im gonna lay off a while and see if it helps
Yea, keep us posted. I'm always interested in hearing peoples health issues to note how they overcome them.
I think the bigger issue here may be stress. Stress does some amazing things to the human body. Anxiety is just a downstream effect of stress.
im def a stressed individual. combine live in girlfriend with working 12 hours a day 5 days a week 11 hours the 6th day a week and going back and forth to doctors for some test or another screwed me up.
If he has given you an antibiotic for 2 months, then he must have tested you for Helicobactor Pylori bacteria (H-Pylori).. this bacteria causes many symptoms that can mimic a heart attack... most people that must use Prilosec and other acid reducers usually have this bacteria and dont know it. Its know to cause Ulcers and cancer and many digestive problems... Its very hard to kill and they usually use a combo of Prilosec/peptobismol/and 2 different antibiotics for at least 20 days... Make sure he has tested for this bacteria or you'll live on Prilosec for life. Most Dr's take the easy route and just give people Prilosec without testing for the real possible cause. My mom would get pain when she ate or when she didn't eat... she would get pain that went down her left arm and chest pain , like having a heart attack... This is after having a triple bypass... so they tested and tested her for heart problems and she was fine so they put her on Prilosec and the pain went away... I told her to get tested for the bacteria but she wouldn't do it... she stayed on the meds for almost 6 yrs... then her symptoms got worse even with Prilosec... and again I told her to ask her Dr to test her... so she did... her Dr said, so your son is the Dr now,,,said she would test her but gave a smartass remark that what is she going to do when her son is wrong... Well guess who was right... after taking the combo meds she was symptom free ,,, 3 yrs later she started getting slight symptoms again and tested again and she has a very low level of it.. its very hard to kill.. she needs another round of meds again... So if you test positive for it... take the meds... then retest and continue taking rounds of the meds to finally eradicate it. I have it too right now and need to take the meds and also with me, whenever I drink coffee, it now gives me an upset stomach and screws up my digestion. Good luck... Do a quick search on the web for this bacteria and you'll see how bad it can be...
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