Doctors are such idiots!


New member
When I was seeing this ortho for my shoulder injury, he kept asking about my training and competition preparation year-round. THen he started giving me advice on staying lean year-round so that I don't fluctuate as much in my weight between on-off season. I explained the strategy behind "bulking" and "cutting" and he argued with me that it doesn't work. I wanted to say "that's why YOU look like you do, and I look like I do!." Well, my gut is a bit distended right now, LOL. hehe.
Yeah right. Ask him if he has ever seen an off season pro like Kamalli, Priest, Cutler...... This is my problem with them also. I love thier dietary advice also. lol

I never take training or diet advice seriously from someone that looks less than where I am currently.

TAZ said:
Yeah right. Ask him if he has ever seen an off season pro like Kamalli, Priest, Cutler...... This is my problem with them also. I love thier dietary advice also. lol

I never take training or diet advice seriously from someone that looks less than where I am currently.


I hear ya!
but he read up about all the stuff in school...LOL

real world time doc.. listen to the guy that lives the live..
man all the docs i have been too are stupid but one
that would be the one that gave me test, deca, arimidex, nolvadex, anadrol and gh. I really like that guy but his prices suck.
the first time i got blood done for steroid purposes, my doctor had no clue, he starting asking me questions like how do you control your "roid rages", boy did i feel like i was in good hands. I told him what i wanted him to test for.
Yeah, it didn't help that I think the guy was gay too. I went back to take him my x-rays and MRI, which I had done somewhere else, and he had me take off my shirt just to talk to him! It was fucking WEIRD...just sitting there with him talking to me and looking at my chest...I felt! LOL. Ahhh, fags are like ugly girls IMO...I wouldn't fuck them or pay them any attention either. LOL.
take this as the best advice possible---only go to a doctor who takes care of himself---they will take much better care of you then a fat doc
there is no point in getting too heavy off-season (+20lbs over competition weight)... but whatever works for you... if you like to get heavy and don't mind dieting... no problem, but too much fat gain is unneccesary.

the doctor, IMO, had not right to tell you what to do...