Does anyone ever think about stopping it all

Im sure I will when I know for sure that I wont do anymore shows. Then yeah I would like to be a solid 225lbs or so, and be built and lean.
Maybe I'm the odd man out, but I got sick of worrying about the illegal aspects of BB. I'm no professional bodybuilder and just don't have the genetics for it. There is no real purpose for me to squat 700lbs and bench press 400lbs. Lifting heavy weights all those years has tore up my joints and isn't worth being a cripple in the future. I just don't want to worry about getting busted for something that doesn't provide me with any real purpose in my life. My main focus is just to stay in shape, get reasonably strong, and keep myself out of trouble. I dabble with some prohormones here and there, but that's about it. With how out of shape most of the public is it doesn't take much to be above average and I'm ok with just being above average.

Theres always a purpose... "just to say you can"... I've torn myself up good without AAS tore my labrum, my bicep tendon, and my subacapulairus... have 4 anchors holding it all together... I wouldn't have a dispute for the legal concerns... I think that is completely legit... but that's why you keep it at a friends house lol (preferably one that doesn't use lol or you can your shit goodbye) Youre for sure not the odd man out on this legal reason will keep alot of people away from them and change a lot of peoples minds... I mean hell I could go break into 20 cars parked on the side of the road and get in less trouble if I was caught then I would if I was caught with steroids...
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What do consider "Normal",? Never ever AAS again? I've tried that for a few years, not the best years of my life. I think once you cross that line, it's really difficult to go back to Normal. If your goals have been met and you've got all you wanted out of it, then I guess it's time to move on. I'll never stop 100%, maybe just down to 99.9%.
yea I guess what your saying, personally I would like to live to be in my 80's or so and don't want something I did in my 20's and 30's to affect that, I guess in the scheme of things I think life is short and don't want to make it any shorter by doing self inflicted harm. Maybe I am weird or something ?
yea I guess what your saying, personally I would like to live to be in my 80's or so and don't want something I did in my 20's and 30's to affect that, I guess in the scheme of things I think life is short and don't want to make it any shorter by doing self inflicted harm. Maybe I am weird or something ?

I know a lot of guys who use gear are healthy as fuck and in their late years, i dont think doing gear RESPONSIBLY is going to kill ya off earlier then you would have died normally , plus i think if anything all the working out and cardio, and eating right will help me live a longer life
Theres always a purpose... "just to say you can"... I've torn myself up good without AAS tore my labrum, my bicep tendon, and my subacapulairus... have 4 anchors holding it all together... I wouldn't have a dispute for the legal concerns... I think that is completely legit... but that's why you keep it at a friends house lol (preferably one that doesn't use lol or you can your shit goodbye) Youre for sure not the odd man out on this legal reason will keep alot of people away from them and change a lot of peoples minds... I mean hell I could go break into 20 cars parked on the side of the road and get in less trouble if I was caught then I would if I was caught with steroids...

Yeah, I get it for sure. I did AAS for years knowing that I didn't want to compete and just wanted to be as strong and as big as possible, but these days for me the benefits just don't out weigh the issues. Being big is uncomfortable in many aspects. It feels good to be the biggest guy in the room, but at the same time doesn't feel good to be winded after a flight of stairs, holding your breath to tie your shoes, or wipe your ass. lol. Not only the legal aspects but I just feel better being smaller. I like the fact I can lift a reasonable amount of weight and also easily run 5 miles. Being successful at work, having a good stress-free home life, nothing requiring to hide things (like taking was) from people, and being in *just* good shape is way more important to me at this stage in my life. For others it may be completely worth it and no disrespect to any that do.
I know a lot of guys who use gear are healthy as fuck and in their late years, i dont think doing gear RESPONSIBLY is going to kill ya off earlier then you would have died normally , plus i think if anything all the working out and cardio, and eating right will help me live a longer life
My first cycle was in June of 1983, and still going healthy after 3 decades. I dont overdo the AAS and rarely drink. So theres your proof!! (Assuming I dont keel over today)
yea I guess what your saying, personally I would like to live to be in my 80's or so and don't want something I did in my 20's and 30's to affect that, I guess in the scheme of things I think life is short and don't want to make it any shorter by doing self inflicted harm. Maybe I am weird or something ?
Your not weird, it's good to be thinking of the future, but nobody is guaranteed to make it into their 80's with or without drugs. You can be overweight and eating McDonalds everyday and kill yourself, drinking alcohol til your liver falls out, smoke til your lungs look like black lumps of charcoal. Having low testosterone is now showing up to be more negative for a mans health than too much. For me it's about moderation, I take AAS, But I don't drink, do any drugs, don't smoke, I eat healthy and I'm more aware of my health than the average guy because of AAS. So, it all has to balance out somewhere. But, this is a very personal question that goes to core of your own personal morals and ideas. Given the choice to be strong as a bull into my 60-70s or live til I'm 90 but bedridden, shitting and pissing myself and feeble, I'll take quality over quantity every time.
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I can understand both sides. It sucks that the legality aspect is even a fact in today's society. Police can't even get a grip on Burglaries and Gangs, maybe they should be a little less diversified