Does anyone still sell Pure Ephedrine HCL without the guaifenesin bullshit?

I ordered a nice supply from these guys maybe 3 years ago and they shipped no questions asked. Going to give it another try later this month; I'll report back if successful.
Thanks brutha!!! And yes how long did it take? I haven’t used anything but primitine in over a decade sadly
It took about a week to arrive. Good packaging. My bank initially declined the charge due to possible fraud (international?) but a phone call cleared that up. Placed the order again and it went through no problem.
I been wanting to get my hands on that old school ephedrine for a while now, just watched an old John Meadows video where he talked about it pre contest prep, and how easy it was to go to gas station and grab a few bottles lol, So thanks again!
After taking it when needed for a couple weeks I think it's either a little weak or my tolerance is ape. Bumped to what should be berzerker-mode (60mg) and that seems to be the sweet spot. Good thermogenic effect and mental clarity without too much jitters and anxiousness.
After taking it when needed for a couple weeks I think it's either a little weak or my tolerance is ape. Bumped to what should be berzerker-mode (60mg) and that seems to be the sweet spot. Good thermogenic effect and mental clarity without too much jitters and anxiousness.

Hey guys! Hope I'm not too late for this thread but, I've been desperately trying to find ephedrine, and I did end up buying a 30mg bottle from slimshop and I think I've only taken it once? I don't recall much but I remember I couldn't sleep shit all night and was kind of shakey, but that could also be because I'd been taking azo for a uti LOL.. Took too many bc pain before I got the pack from ss and made my heart thump out of my chest and couldn't breathe right all night, but I don't think I took too many that day on top of the ephedrine.

Anyhow, I've looked high and mf low all across the internet, all over subreddits and most subs seem to be 4+ years old and it's pretty hard to find anything new related to slimshop, but I've been hearing that it's bogus and people were running tests on it and it would come back negative except for one guy I noticed going around on Reddit proclaiming he tested it and it was legit and was pretty defensive about it when someone tried him so that seemed suspicious. I've also read literally this entire thread. I'm new to the stack and I'm not really a bodybuilder it's mostly to get rid of the excess fat I gained back after losing 40lbs and looking ripped (for a small girl I guess lol). I was really hoping someone here might see this and have some of their own feedback? I've done tons of research and watched countless videos on the topic and besides slimshop it seems like there are no other online providers that ship to U.S.

Any information would be great! If ephedrine really is just that impossible to get a hold of then would there be an alternative solution that's a bit easier to access?
Hey guys! Hope I'm not too late for this thread but, I've been desperately trying to find ephedrine, and I did end up buying a 30mg bottle from slimshop and I think I've only taken it once? I don't recall much but I remember I couldn't sleep shit all night and was kind of shakey, but that could also be because I'd been taking azo for a uti LOL.. Took too many bc pain before I got the pack from ss and made my heart thump out of my chest and couldn't breathe right all night, but I don't think I took too many that day on top of the ephedrine.

Anyhow, I've looked high and mf low all across the internet, all over subreddits and most subs seem to be 4+ years old and it's pretty hard to find anything new related to slimshop, but I've been hearing that it's bogus and people were running tests on it and it would come back negative except for one guy I noticed going around on Reddit proclaiming he tested it and it was legit and was pretty defensive about it when someone tried him so that seemed suspicious. I've also read literally this entire thread. I'm new to the stack and I'm not really a bodybuilder it's mostly to get rid of the excess fat I gained back after losing 40lbs and looking ripped (for a small girl I guess lol). I was really hoping someone here might see this and have some of their own feedback? I've done tons of research and watched countless videos on the topic and besides slimshop it seems like there are no other online providers that ship to U.S.

Any information would be great! If ephedrine really is just that impossible to get a hold of then would there be an alternative solution that's a bit easier to access?

You can get ephedrine hcl at any local pharmacy in USA with I.D. but again it has the expectorant in it (gaufinessan) but it does work well with caffeine and aspirin!

Nothing like the old pure ephedrine but it is what it is