does this happen to anyone else?


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every once in a while I'll get into a good routine and put on some muscle while off cycle and bust my ass for a few months in the gym... a couple of times in the past I've gotten to the point where I'd look in the mirror and be very happy with how I'd look and I'd actually lose motivation because I'd reached my goal of looking great and would start to lose the motivation to keep up the consistency and effort in the gym. this happened to me about 2 months ago and I've sinced convinced myself that I have a long road ahead of me and that there's ALWAYS room for improvement. No time for getting lazy, strike while the irons hot!
Not with training, but with my diet. I was thin growing up and have pretty much been in a constant bulking phase so I have the mentality that I can eat whatever I want, whenever I want. But over the past year I've started to pack a few lbs on the waistline. I can't bring myself to "diet". I feel I would lose too much strength.
my problem is that I'll have a great workout and then look in the mirror and say, "Damn, I look good." and slack off for a few days, the problem is that I'm pumped when I'm looking in the mirror and not always looking so good... I'm rededicating myself though and not going to let the maliase that once overtook me overtake me again!!!
Mike, I used to be just like that - now though, any gains get me MORE fired up.
The workouts just feel better and I know I'm doing something right.
i loose motivation after im off cycle after 3 or 4 weeks and i hate the way i feel, cant get a pump and loose weight so im just not going to go off for a year or two or 10. i can never get big enough. well maybe if i was 315 about 5%bf
im with pincushin on this one ive never came close to being satisfied.
body2see said:
This never happens to me...I'm never happy no matter what I look like...always feel smaller and then always trying to put size on since I'm naturally lean...

Alot of bodybuilders suffer from "reverse anorexia" and I'm definently one of them...Not sure if I will ever reach my 'visual' goal, so I just make strength goals instead.

I'm the same. I'm never satisfied.
mikeswift said:
my problem is that I'll have a great workout and then look in the mirror and say, "Damn, I look good." and slack off for a few days, the problem is that I'm pumped when I'm looking in the mirror and not always looking so good... I'm rededicating myself though and not going to let the maliase that once overtook me overtake me again!!!

I have those days where I think I look really good, though because I'm like body2see, I don't slack off. If anything, I may push a little too hard. I have to constantly keep myself from overtraining. I found that once I controlled that better, I had better gains.
The only time it happens to me, is if i have a girlfriend. When I get comfortable with her i tend to slack, and its ovbiously not all about impressing her, because i have personal goals too, but it makes it harder to achieve when your significant other doesnt keep up as well as you.

But im kind of single right now ( fucking 2 ex's), so its time to get jacked!
i don't think I have ever looked in the mirror, not even once, and really liked what I saw. Yea, I've seen dramatic improvements from what I was, and I never really even planned getting as big as I am now. But, Im all or nothing. I cant just "stay" where Im at. How boring is that? been there, done that. So I gotta keep improving. If I dont, then switch to another game cause this one is over.