does this make sence? 1cc per week of test cyp?


New member
Maybe my friend is a total idiot, but he says to get a 10cc bottle of Testosterone cypionate for 220bucks, shoot 1cc a week for 10 weeks..all I see on here is ml and mg..on the bottle it says 200ml/mg..does this sound right, I'm thinking of taking it if he is legit in a few months here when my natural strength is at a plateu. Thanks for the info in advance guys
220 bucks, your friend is an idiot. i say hold off until you can get better prices, and learn what in the world your gonna be doing. i doubt you will gain much from 200mg a week for 10, and do you even know about post cycle therapy? peace
that price is horse shit! at max it should be 100 and if you plan on running 200mg a week for ten weeks you might as well dump that test down the drain

NaturalAspired said:
Maybe my friend is a total idiot, but he says to get a 10cc bottle of Testosterone cypionate for 220bucks, shoot 1cc a week for 10 weeks..all I see on here is ml and mg..on the bottle it says 200ml/mg..does this sound right, I'm thinking of taking it if he is legit in a few months here when my natural strength is at a plateu. Thanks for the info in advance guys
Not a good idea. First post your stats your diet and training. Once you got your shit together than think about supplements.
hey man, chill out about the spoon feeding thing. Is 200mg, one cc? cause on the bottle it says 200mg/ml.Then you all are saying 200ml a week..why throw it down the drain? not enough? .I'm just confused, I'm trying to do some research, but with work and family..its hard to spend a great deal of time on there...I was hoping someone could clear these up for me..anyhow..thanks
Hopefully everyone will be supportive, and not flame you or anything on this. However, deciding to take AAS is a big step - there are lot's of potential side effects, and if you don't know what you are doing, you can basically just throw your money away and end up worse than where you started.

1 cc of that per week would be 200mg/week, which is a commonly prescribed hormone replacement therapy amount. Basically, it is enough to bring deficient people up to normal. But since supplementing with testosterone also shuts down your normal production (at least to some extent), if your normal levels are fine, you'll probably be trading your natural (free) testosterone for what's in the bottle (not free, in fact, very expensive).

Before you take a big step like that, do your research, which includes asking questions like this. Especially pay attention to post cycle therapy (needed to get your body to start producing it's own testosterone again after you stop supplementing). And when you start asking questions, post your stats: height, weight, body fat %, how long you've been working out, if you're still making gains, what your goals are, etc.

It's quite possible at this point that if you can see tremendous strength and size improvements by simply getting your diet and workout plans in tip-top shape.

So read up a storm, and keep asking questions. Oh, and those prices are incredibly high - legit pharmacies charge anywhere from 1/4 to 1/2 that with a script.
don't let anyone put you down bro for your first experiences in the game. I won't even tell you what I paid for my first bottle :curse:

you don't have enough right now to start anything. What you have is a 10ml=10 cc bottle. Taking 1 cc per week will only mean 200mg per week. Too low of a dose to get any real benefits.

Keep at it though. Do some research on first cycles. Ask questions which the vets and mods will be glad to help with.

you'll soon learn the correct ways of the game. good luck.
you need about 3 cc of test per week bro
you also need liquidex at .5 mg per day, and also have nolvadex in case you get any gyno symptoms, and clomid for after your cycle.
pm me if you need any help finding the last three i mentioned.
If you've already payed for the test, don't throw it away...I'd recommend doing what everyone else says - research AAS usage, give us your stats/fitness goals, and save the test for a later date when you can spend a bit more and really get your money's worth. Your first cycle can yeild tremendous gains, so don't treat it like you're just trying something new so who cares what happens.......stick around, we'll help you out
Any time someone tries to charge some bullshit price like that I would be very careful. I pay about $35 for a bottle like that. I would not think that someone who knows their shit would try to sell it for more than $75-125. Always be careful when you buy from someone even when they are your friend. Remember that it is not strangers but friends that send follow friends to jail. Play it safe. tentitan
Okay guys I went and bought it..:( I know stupid move, but now I know has a exp date of 07/04 on it, so I guess I can hold onto it til then...Its just that this dude is pretty big and "seemed" to know his stuff..I guess not:o It's just that I have NO idea where I can get some legit stuff. His (my so called friend's) buddy is a pharmacist or something and makes the stuff so I believed him..stupid me I know. ..I'm reading up as much as I can about this stuff and REALLY appreciate you all's information, it's about all I can go on besides what I read...I'm 22 years old about 6'1 235lbs been working out off and on since I was in highschool playing football. I had a offer to maryland, but turned it down cause I didn't want to play ball anymore or leave my gf..I wish I would have played now. A very good semi-pro football team here wants me to play really bad and I've decided to play, they dont test so its all good:D the head coach wants me to be about 260lbs. I played offensive guard. in highschool we were 1st in the state, we let no sacks my senior year..right now I'm benching about 310lbs(back in highschool I was 205lbs benching 330), squating about 445 max now..clean and jerk I'm working on right now..probably only 275 one time..but I just started doing those again. thanks guys

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i believe arena league is the only league that doesn't test right bro plays for green bay and he uses more gear than gear101...(sounds impossible though doesn't it?)
It's always "friends" that try to screw you over. I knew a guy that told me he could "hook me up" with 8-250 mg ampules of Sustenon for $350. Yeah thanks buddy.

Watch your enemies close and your "friends" closer.
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Is the shit you have homebrew or is it vet lab? Your freind the "Phamacist" Made it? Bro that sounds very sketchy-what does the bottle say?
Yeah Rugbythug I agree. If someone made it I would suggest dumping the stuff down the drain. Maybe feed it to the neighbor's cat and see if there are any results. There's too many legit sources to be jackin some homebrew.
I'm thinking the pharmacist made stuff is plain old test, no nothing extra.....shit, could even be 10w30 for all you know

Don't buy anything like that hastily again