Does you guys old ladies give you lip?

mcgaret said:
but for this issue I think it might be a little extreme.
Just my opinion.

c'mon the guys's a cheater and there's trust issues.
My wife is sometimes unhappy that I'm at the gym. I used to work out only three days a week, and she wanted me to cut that down to two so I wouldn't be gone Friday evening. When we got married she already understood that I worked out and that I would be at the gym so she is generally understanding of it, but she does get "jealous" of the gym sometimes. I have been really busy lately so I struck a deal with her: I would work out Mon and Thu right after work, and if I want to work out a third day, I would go Saturday morning since she sleeps in. She also allows me to shift one of those days if I need to do so.
saudades said:
My wife is sometimes unhappy that I'm at the gym. I used to work out only three days a week, and she wanted me to cut that down to two so I wouldn't be gone Friday evening. When we got married she already understood that I worked out and that I would be at the gym so she is generally understanding of it, but she does get "jealous" of the gym sometimes. I have been really busy lately so I struck a deal with her: I would work out Mon and Thu right after work, and if I want to work out a third day, I would go Saturday morning since she sleeps in. She also allows me to shift one of those days if I need to do so.

That's the complete theory to relationship life COMPRIMISE.......sounds like you and wife have it down.........:thumbsup:
klowndog said:
We've been together a year on the 28th of this month. Since we've been together, we've been attached at the hip. Everything we do together. This is the only thing I have ever done alone. We got a membership together at the gym about 8 months ago, but she never wanted to go, so I dropped that membership. My brother wanted to start working out with me so we got this one last week.

Like you said Bigger, your workout is already ruined. She wants to make me feel bad about it, and it works to a point, then it just pisses me off, and I say fuck it get over it.

Like McGaret said, I just gotta lay down the law, this is what I do, love it or leave it, or just use IP's

I think it is just insecurity. Maybe she thinks Im cheating, but I think she knows I wouldn't(except if it was IP's mom.):thumbsup:

It's nice to feel wanted but damn, a little independence goes a long way with me.

its funny how they love how you look because of your dedication to the iron, but expect you to keep that look without actually doing anything to keep it.

I just tell my girl that I was dating the iron before her, and I will be dating it after why the hell should I stop doing it?
After all, the iron never says no.
dreww said:
its funny how they love how you look because of your dedication to the iron, but expect you to keep that look without actually doing anything to keep it.

I just tell my girl that I was dating the iron before her, and I will be dating it after why the hell should I stop doing it?
After all, the iron never says no.

NAIR said:
yeah bud, I hear your position but at long as the PHD is professional and competent within the scope of their practice, their personal life shouldn't matter. They are not there to live as role models for the rest of us to look up to. They're their to offer a perspective; an outside looking in approach. Then they can help people to develop to better communicate and better navigate relationship obstacles.

And no, I'm going to law school. I will never be a shrink.
I just ment I dont want to take advice to keep my relationship together
from a guy who is not sucessful at keeping his own relationships together,
no matter what his education. Look what his knowledge did for him.
mcgaret said:
I just ment I dont want to take advice to keep my relationship together
from a guy who is not sucessful at keeping his own relationships together,
no matter what his education. Look what his knowledge did for him.

haha yes, but isn't that story of life? If only we ate and trained the way we knew we knew we should,we'dallbe much least that the theory...I think.
i just told mine that i was working out before we met and i will be working out after were done. havnt had one trouble or complaint in 5 years about working out. now useing gear is different told her from the begining and now after 5 years she gets upset, but i dont keep it from her, and she gets over it, and actually supports it about half way through most cycles.
There was a guy trying to pimp his dating site early this morning. It appears to have been removed.

Yeah I look crazy.

ha yeah sorry didnt wanna delete your post too haha. I banned the guy and deleted all his posts so it just takes it completely away.
LOL! Hey bro, its a good way to get my post volumes up. I don't know if you guys take my post that I'd get docked or what.

It just makes me look a little more loony compared to the rest of you guys.
I'm comortable with that.

I'd rather get lip from her than have her back at the gym.
She just joined yesterday, and I already knew there was going to be some kind of B.S.

From the moment she spots me doing DB presses, she approaches me and starts "OH HIIIIII BABY, CAN I HAVE SOME OF YOUR WATER?!?!?!?!," while placing her hand on my shoulder. And that really irritates the hell out of I basically ignore her and tell her to go do some cardio and ill catch up with her later..

It was just shitty the whole time she was there.

I cant help being so sexy and all the females giving me googley eyes..:p

Youre better off getting lip..than having her at the gym with you
That makes complete sense, bro. That's your personal domain, personal time. I do enjoy getting looks from chicks but its not really play time for me. Unless the girl is a smokin' major distraction then I'm focused more on my workout and I hate being bothered.