dog hero story


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
Thought this one was pretty good.;_ylt=AibEvk2dWFJF5B0cJz.rHBsDW7oF

WELLINGTON (AFP) - Nine-year-old Jack Russell terrier George is being honoured with a posthumous bravery medal for saving five New Zealand children from an attack by two pitbulls.


The medal from the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) comes after US Vietnam veteran Jerrell Hudman said he was sending his Purple Heart medal to George's owner after hearing of the dog's bravery.

George, who had a heart problem, won fame after defending five children from the pitbulls in the small North Island town of Manaia a week and a half ago. The two pitbulls rushed at the five children on the street, prompting George to charge the much larger dogs as the children escaped.

The Jack Russell was badly mauled by the two pitbulls and later had to be put down because of his extensive injuries. The two pitbulls were also put down.

The SPCA medal is usually awarded to people for their bravery in defending animals.

"George was a very brave little dog who almost certainly prevented severe injury, if not death, to at least one of the children," SPCA chief executive Robyn Kippenberger said.

"It's truly tragic that he paid with his own life for his instinctive act of courage."

Hudman, 58, of Austin, Texas was a US Marine for 30 years and said he decided to send his Purple Heart to George's owner Alan Gay after reading the news on the Internet because the dog was "a little warrior".

The Purple Heart is awarded to those killed or injured fighting for the US military.

I know how much people here love their pitbulls, but why is it that EVERY dog attack I hear of it mostly pitbulls, and occasionally rottweilers? NEVER another breed. I cant stand them personally. But my old roommates had alot of them (quantity probably annoyed me most) and they didn't take care of them enough and they all eventually went nuts and had to be put down. why cant be put bad owners to sleep?
Poor little George :(

I got 2 dogs to take with me in the mountains that are breed to hunt bear & mountain lion, because there were so many Grizzlies where I worked. I figured if a bear cam after me, the dogs would charge it and I could escape.

better them than me.
ha bro, I saw this this morning too! What an GREAT story, thanks for posting!
Great story but it's sad that assholes can't control their dogs... who the hell knows why the pits were out or not leashed in the first place. It's awesome that the little guy went for them to save the kids it's just sad that he had to in the first place
agreed, I think the owners should have been put down too.

Fucking pitbulls though... for some reason, every piece of trailer trash and criminal are attracted to this breed of dog--why is that?

This is why all the reason for the public outcry. Not illogical when you think about either.
I go ballistic when I see dogs running loose.

When I walk my dog, I carry pepper spray. If a loose dog comes up to me & my dog I spray it, rather than have a dog fight & vet bills.

I was way back in the country with my dog on a Mountain Bike ride and 2 dogs came out of the woods and attacked my dog and ripped his belly open. I fought them off with my bicycle as a weapon, ponding on them as they mauled my dog. Luckily he lived, but it cost a lot in vet bills and getting him out of the woods was difficult.

Now when people let their loose dogs run up to my leashed dog, they doen't understand why I get upset.
Story is's good that the dog would do such a thing, but sucks that there are so many a hole dog owners in this world. When I was in high school my uncle got his dashound's belly ripped open by 2 pit's his backcountry neighbor let out every night to roam around. He kept them pinned up during the day, but not at night. So my uncle paid me $100 and I killed them for him. I thought about shooting them, but found out if you give them bakers chocolate it will do the job. So that's what I did and they were dead the next morning and to this day every time I see a pit I get pissed off. I can't stand the breed. I just don't understand why people would get them. There are plenty of better dogs for protection and loyalty with a better temperment.
Spiderman said:
Story is's good that the dog would do such a thing, but sucks that there are so many a hole dog owners in this world. When I was in high school my uncle got his dashound's belly ripped open by 2 pit's his backcountry neighbor let out every night to roam around. He kept them pinned up during the day, but not at night. So my uncle paid me $100 and I killed them for him. I thought about shooting them, but found out if you give them bakers chocolate it will do the job. So that's what I did and they were dead the next morning and to this day every time I see a pit I get pissed off. I can't stand the breed. I just don't understand why people would get them. There are plenty of better dogs for protection and loyalty with a better temperment.

Yeah I agree with you. I know of members who will disagree and instead put the blame on the owners of the dogs.... which is a valid point. However, these dogs are naturally aggressive and they are glamorized for this very notion in every music video played on BET. This breed should either be outlawed or regulated. Then again, I think that should go with all animals.
sandiego said:
Yeah I agree with you. I know of members who will disagree and instead put the blame on the owners of the dogs.... which is a valid point. However, these dogs are naturally aggressive and they are glamorized for this very notion in every music video played on BET. This breed should either be outlawed or regulated. Then again, I think that should go with all animals.

agreed. everyone feels their pitbull is the exception to the rule.

I would never EVER have a pitbull around any child. They do "snap" and can go crazy. Even if the owner is a great owner. And I wouldnt have one you couldn't control.

my roommates had a 70+lb male with a huge head and a female one. he attacked the female one night and only my female roommate was home (and me). He latched on the females dogs' neck (pregnant with his pups at the time) and I had to beat him off. my roommate couldnt do anything. I kicked him in the head, HARD, and I know it hurt. He didnt flinch. used a stun gun to get him off. The first hit, he letgo for a moment just to snap at me. The second one, he got off the bitch and ran. I thought he was gonna attack me. I know I would have had to kill him then. They fight to the death.
HAHAHA that's so funny bro. You actually had a stun gun on hand? Stupid little fuck, nice story bro.
good thing you had a stun gun I wouldn't be surprised if he killed her and then came for you and your other roomie. Once they're "on" as my brother who's a dog trainer calls it they're on and like you said will fight to the death. They used to breed them specifically for that trait because that's what it would take to hunt bulls and bears etc. it didn't matter if they were dying or half dead they won't let go and will continue to attack instead of instinctively giving up and licking their wounds.
sandiego said:
HAHAHA that's so funny bro. You actually had a stun gun on hand? Stupid little fuck, nice story bro.
actually, my roommate did. That dog was scarred shitless of that taser forever after that incident. We'd just hit the button and let it pop and click and he would take off. LMAO!

mikeswift said:
good thing you had a stun gun I wouldn't be surprised if he killed her and then came for you and your other roomie. Once they're "on" as my brother who's a dog trainer calls it they're on and like you said will fight to the death. They used to breed them specifically for that trait because that's what it would take to hunt bulls and bears etc. it didn't matter if they were dying or half dead they won't let go and will continue to attack instead of instinctively giving up and licking their wounds.

I dont know how we would have got him off w/o it. he was locked (I think) for a good few minutes til we broke him off. luckly, we were by the kitchen and the knife block. :D Would have to hope he bled to death before he got a juggular bite on me. God I hated that dog.