don't get TOO big

See I'm oblivious as shit too if a girl came up and talked to me i would just think she's been nice and not that she wanted some of my baby dick. I wonder if she sees people checking me out. I mean im not lean( not to fat either!) and I wear large shirts and sweat pants 24/7 so I kinda doubt it. I noticed when I did try to ask if she was just insecure she kind of just pushed everything to me about like "how would you feel if I was Yada Yada" but then a few hours later things seemed to smooth over a bit. I do appreciate the hell out of yalls advice.
And yea silk I'll never understand women lol
ya know things like this(in bold) bug me. it's like guys getting mad because some other dude is looking at his girl. would you prefer it if no one thought your spouse was attractive and didn't want to look at them? ugh, humans.

I'll pass lol. :)

I totally get your pov and again this is where it gets tricky, lol... When an insecure girl gets mad at other girls checking her man out its because indirectly it's reminding the girl of what she sees as her shortcomings, such as feeling "fat" or whatever. If a secure girl has a man who's always getting checked out then she is most likely not going to be upset because she doesn't see the girls as a threat. Why? ...because she is a secure individual :-) Does that make sense (I hope)? Another thing (just to confuse you guys a little more), the insecure girl might not even know the root issue of why she's jealous of girls looking at her man. She just knows it make her feel bad so she reacts without thinking "ok, what's really going on with me?"

Wow, I either sound like a therapist or someone who's gone to a lot of therapy LOL!
I noticed when I did try to ask if she was just insecure she kind of just pushed everything to me about like "how would you feel if I was Yada Yada" but then a few hours later things seemed to smooth over a bit. I do appreciate the hell out of yalls advice.
And yea silk I'll never understand women lol

It's a hard topic for some girls. Just think of something that you're insecure about and then think how hard it would be to let yourself to open up enough to talk about it to your girl, best friend, family member, whoever. It's hard for some people to allow themselves to get to a vulnerable state. We're all human and all scared of getting hurt... Even those who don't admit it IMO. Maybe since you broke the ice she'll talk a little more.
Good points all around, sometimes women just want us to listen and not try to always fix shit! Try that sometimes, took me a while to figure that out but once I did..well things are just not the same. Give a shoulder, show empathy and reaffirmation of your dedication to her is all it takes sometimes.
Women when they want you to listen you fix shit and when you fix shit they want you to listen and when you do both they still find something to bitch about. Women that know they are crazy like for real know themselves/aware of there thoughts/behaviors/insecurities and are most of the time cool with it are so fucking sexy. My wife is 5 years older still physically attractive and should be many more years doesnt really worry about my dumb ass. Yes women like touching, flirting and fucking men with muscles and im an attention whore with insecurities myself so i will go along with it but im so happy with the woman i got now im like 99% sure i wont cheat and she knows it. If i do its my loss
Yea again most responses I'm hearing all seem to be mainly on the same page I really don't think she's flat out not in love with my body I think many women just get complacent looking for a guy they want to hold down and that no one else would want to steal. But I've changed a lot physically over the past few years and I really think she's just not confident she can keep me happy or that I don't want to be with her.
Crazy ass ladies out there I'm telling ya, and even years later they just seem to get crazier.. Cept silk of course!
See I'm oblivious as shit too if a girl came up and talked to me i would just think she's been nice and not that she wanted some of my baby dick. I wonder if she sees people checking me out. I mean im not lean( not to fat either!) and I wear large shirts and sweat pants 24/7 so I kinda doubt it. I noticed when I did try to ask if she was just insecure she kind of just pushed everything to me about like "how would you feel if I was Yada Yada" but then a few hours later things seemed to smooth over a bit. I do appreciate the hell out of yalls advice.
And yea silk I'll never understand women lol
people are looking at you thinking, "what a slob". girl gets mad because she thinks they are checking you out LOL!
I totally get your pov and again this is where it gets tricky, lol... When an insecure girl gets mad at other girls checking her man out its because indirectly it's reminding the girl of what she sees as her shortcomings, such as feeling "fat" or whatever. If a secure girl has a man who's always getting checked out then she is most likely not going to be upset because she doesn't see the girls as a threat. Why? ...because she is a secure individual :-) Does that make sense (I hope)? Another thing (just to confuse you guys a little more), the insecure girl might not even know the root issue of why she's jealous of girls looking at her man. She just knows it make her feel bad so she reacts without thinking "ok, what's really going on with me?"

Wow, I either sound like a therapist or someone who's gone to a lot of therapy
yes. LOL!
people are looking at you thinking, "what a slob". girl gets mad because she thinks they are checking you out LOL!

yes. LOL!

Lmao sometimes that is indeed what I'd assume they are thinking. I can't stand being that d - hole that wears skin tight shirts showing way to much of what they don't really have lol
Oh no, I'm crazy too. Don't be fooled my friend. We're all crazy, some just better at it than others, lol!

No you're not! Just so you guys know normal is out there... alot of the time at the beach or out I let Silk walk ahead of me as I love watching guys check her out and nudge their friends and point. It's alot of fun. Now shit gets real very fast if they touch or do the rush up on her thing, but I'm usually not far behind so as they are considering that they'll usually see me.
The last few times we went to strip clubs Silk will ask me what girls I think are hot and we discuss them. Then she goes over and gets them and gives them money and says "he likes boobies in his face" and guess what I get?? Personally I couldn't go back to dealing with crazy insecure chick's again. There is so much to do and enjoy in life. I'm not spending anytime arguing about nothing...

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All relationships are work and I have made more than my far share of mistakes, but I admitted to them and made a conscious concerted effort to improve and I continue to do so to this day.
If she isn't capable of working on it with you and making improvements then I can't see how you're going to continue to deal with it and grow as a partnership

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All relationships are work and I have made more than my far share of mistakes, but I admitted to them and made a conscious concerted effort to improve and I continue to do so to this day.
If she isn't capable of working on it with you and making improvements then I can't see how you're going to continue to deal with it and grow as a partnership

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Well said Dude
All relationships are work and I have made more than my far share of mistakes, but I admitted to them and made a conscious concerted effort to improve and I continue to do so to this day.
If she isn't capable of working on it with you and making improvements then I can't see how you're going to continue to deal with it and grow as a partnership

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welp there goes every girl under 25. lol!

I don't know maybe it's because I'm crusin on 100mg of cyp once a week so my T is low but I just don't feel like dealing with them right now. interest level is pretty much zero right now.