dont want it to end


this cycle has been so bad ass i dont want to get off, but for me 10 weeks is about all i can go for now. i have got to quite and give myself some time off so i can srart my cut cycle. run some pct. just comeing off blows. anyone got any advice that may help on what to run on the off time.
IGF-1 is always good to run as is HGH if you have the money for it. Some like to bridge with a small dose of proviron.
Get some hcg,Clomid,and nolva's,and some clen for energy.
week 1 5000ui hcg Every 5 day 2 shot in total only
week 2 clomid 100mg
week 3 clomid 100mg
week 4 clomid 100mg
week 5 Nolva's 40mg ed
week 6 nolva's 40mmg ed
week 7 nolva's 20mg ed
week 8 nolva 20mg ed
how much could you possibly gain in 10 weeks? knowing gear doesnt really get flowing for 2-4 weeks? just curious.
Get some hcg,Clomid,and nolva's,and some clen for energy.
week 1 5000ui hcg Every 5 day 2 shot in total only
week 2 clomid 100mg
week 3 clomid 100mg
week 4 clomid 100mg
week 5 Nolva's 40mg ed
week 6 nolva's 40mmg ed
week 7 nolva's 20mg ed
week 8 nolva 20mg ed

8 weeks pct for a 10 week cycle? also just curious.
225 to 238 is how much i gained. and dont know bro dont plan on staying on much longer got its becomeing a danger to my wifes health. why what is a normal cycle for everyone else.
Im in week 8 of a ten weeker and up around 25-28 pounds. I have been off for 3 years however. I only ran 350 test and 400 deca and winnie for the last couple weeks.
i myself like 16 weeks, but this next one is gonna be months and months
This is why Im on what is known as a lifetime cycle...

Ok,well realistically 11.5months out of the year, but this might be considered abusive by some.

I know a guy who is 37 years old. He said he's been on since 25 years of age. He's never been off and takes at least a gram of test a week. He doesnt look huge.....He does look a bit big and muscular but not what I would expect for juicer for that many years on. He's really strong. I saw him put up 500lb bench quite easy.....He also has great health genetics because when he goes to the doc his BP and cholesterol are in normal range. He doesnt retain water....No moon face or zits.

I never once heard him complain about sides.

He is 5'10 200lb's cut. Shit I just wonder whats in his future if he's even gonna make it past 50. His arteries have to be fucked.......But ive gone to the doc with him and his doc said "your in great health".lol

His BF apears to be around 5-7% Maybe less. He has great cuts, thin skin. When he gets pumped after a workout you can really see striations, definition, no water...His only week point are his calves which he took care of with synthol.

I just wonder after that many years what coming off would do. For me my year long cycle was hell to get off of. Deppresion, loss of sex drive.......Hell I lost my mind. It took me almost a year to get feeling "Normal again".

I had to hit the HCG/HMG hard. Took a whole year for my doc to finally say I had normal test levels. The worst was deppresion and the loss of strength.

Theres also that mental factor. When youre off you dont tend to train as least that was the case for me.

Thats why nowadays im gear free........sticking to IGF then GH.

Damn I sure got off point. The point is........shit I forgot.
bro good job low doses and putn it back on like that. dont care how long you were off. something is workn 4 ya.good job jt.
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Super controlled diet. I have played with it tremendously. I am down about 3 pounds this week just because of the winnie and losing some bloat. I can tell you know, you won't recognize me. I am not huge by any means, and my ultra white norweigan skin tone sucks for seeing cuts, but my quads are 2 inches larger alone. Here is the scary part. I am working out at home. I do front squats with dumbells and a weight vest. I just didn't have the money to go to the gym. LOL. My arms are at the least up an inch. Calves nearly an inch. Chest up around 3 inches, all my jackets are too little, as well as my dress shirts. I am still a little bloated and am hoping to lean out to around 215 once pct is over to see how I look. I am hard as a brick. Thanks axio stanozolol.
this cycle has been so bad ass i dont want to get off, but for me 10 weeks is about all i can go for now. i have got to quite and give myself some time off so i can srart my cut cycle. run some pct. just comeing off blows. anyone got any advice that may help on what to run on the off time.

if you're using long estered products, you'll enjoy knowing your gains will keep increasing for a few weeks after you've quit taking shots.