Dorian Yates Steroid Cycles

I met dex in person too. Smugg ass hole. And short.

Genetics=response to hormones and bone structure.

Some guys can blow up fucking doing push-ups or just easy bar curls. And get 20 inch arms. Must be nice
1g Sustanon/day for first 10 days
days 11-20, 800mg Deca-Durabolin - nandrolone decanoate - /day, 400mg Primobolan - methenolone - /day, 600mg testosterone propionate/day
days 21-30 400mg testosterone propionate/day, 200mg Winstrol - stanozolol/day, 4 capsules of T3, dnp - dinitrophenol - , oral insulin/day (his own concoction) and 30-IS insulin after each meal

And of course a Defibrillator always on hand,lol, wtf!