Dosage ?


New member
Thinking 1g Test E for next cycle, but Ive done 600mg Test Cyp and 400mg Deca at the same time. Essentially 1g. So is there a difference between .6+.4 and 1???
so youve never ran over 600mg's of test? If this is true run it at 800 instead no use in bumping up the full 400mg's. Tahts what i would do anyways. Im running 800 right now and loving it.
Thinking 1g Test E for next cycle, but Ive done 600mg Test Cyp and 400mg Deca at the same time. Essentially 1g. So is there a difference between .6+.4 and 1???

IMO - I think you will get more growth out of 1 gram of test than the 600mg test, and 400mg deca...There is a difference (IMO) of the two...Overall I belive test is a more powerful AAS...but I think you can handle the dose just fine
I agree. 1g of test and throw in an anabolic or IGF if possible. I grew like crazy from that!! Then I jumped to my current dose which is settling at 2500mg of test with IGF. Im growing and getting stronger... that's the name of the game right?! BP is 122/75 and liver enzymes are high normal as is cholesterol.
Everyone reacts differently, so you will get mixed opinions. Try it for yourself and see what happens.

Have some Aromasin on hand just in case.